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We are still looking for sorc/sage healer buff


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Sage heals ain’t squishy at all if played correctly. Remember the absorb from the bubble is not factored into the HPS. For that reason on parse sometimes the HPS is a tad lower, however if geared properly and specced right and proper rotation there should be no reason sage heals aren’t top of ops.
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  • 1 month later...
All Sorc specs are low atm...its pretty bad and people are refusing to take sorcs cause they are the worst class.


Everyone and their mom are running lightning sorc bc how strong they are lol. idk what you are talking about, yeah sorc heal probably need a little bit of love, but lightning sorc is one of the best dps specs atm, high range,high dps,rly tanky, nice utility

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorc heal is fine in general but the force management could use some improvement.

For example in long fights (Styrak Nim) sometimes I get unlucky and Innervate doesn´t proc 2 times in a row (even with 3500 crit). Then I´m out of force with 4 negative stacks and need time to recover (which I don´t have).


It would be great if Innervate would have a guaranteed proc (if the previous one didn´t crit or something like that).

Or if sorcs could get an ability that wouldn´t cost force or would recover it - you know like the other healing classes.

That would help my APM and I wouldn´t be forced to wait until I can use Innervate again.


IDK most of the time Innervate procs work but when they don´t - oof.

Edited by Ahwassa
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Sorc heal is fine in general but the force management could use some improvement.

For example in long fights (Styrak Nim) sometimes I get unlucky and Innervate doesn´t proc 2 times in a row (even with 3500 crit). Then I´m out of force with 4 negative stacks and need time to recover (which I don´t have).


It would be great if Innervate would have a guaranteed proc (if the previous one didn´t crit or something like that).

Or if sorcs could get an ability that wouldn´t cost force or would recover it - you know like the other healing classes.

That would help my APM and I wouldn´t be forced to wait until I can use Innervate again.


IDK most of the time Innervate procs work but when they don´t - oof.


A few ideas (that don't have to all go together, more of an and/or situation)


-Recovering force OFF GCD. (I've wanted this forever. Put unnatural reservation=selfheal on GCD instead)

-Surge stacks go to 4 (as innervate ticks 4 times) instead of 3

-1st OR 4th tick of innervate is the automatic crit, in return perhaps lower crit chance for the skill or in the skilltreebuff from 25 to lower)

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-Recovering force OFF GCD.

What would the outcome be? It´s faster sure, but I can´t imagine how that would help. (Maybe I´m a bit dense right now?)


Put unnatural reservation=selfheal on GCD instead)

Please no, that off CD saved my life so many times.


-Surge stacks go to 4 (as innervate ticks 4 times) instead of 3

-1st OR 4th tick of innervate is the automatic crit, in return perhaps lower crit chance for the skill or in the skilltreebuff from 25 to lower)


One automatic crit would be great, but please not the lower crit chance. With my luck it wouldn´t crit at all and one guaranteed crit won´t help.

Edited by Ahwassa
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What would the outcome be? It´s faster sure, but I can´t imagine how that would help. (Maybe I´m a bit dense right now?)

Allows you more APM and to save that one person who you otherwise couldn't (same way you can use selfheal and another heal instantly)

I am looking at this from a PVP perspective btw, where it's very possible to just empty out on Force on long drawn out fights with high heal requirements. How many people I've lost simply because I HAD to spend a GCD on regaining force. (x100)



Please no, that off CD saved my life so many times.


Well, I'd prefer both off GCD!


One automatic crit would be great, but please not the lower crit chance. With my luck it wouldn´t crit at all and one guaranteed crit won´t help.

Iirc a single recklessness charge gives 4 crits on innervate?

I'm cirous what others use the charge for mainly.


Though again, I'd love to have ALL the good sides of these, but there has to be a give and take.

My favourite remains force regen off cd, it would help my APM sooo much and allow you to heal so much more.

Edited by Aerilas
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Allows you more APM and to save that one person who you otherwise couldn't (same way you can use selfheal and another heal instantly)

How many people I've lost simply because I HAD to spend a GCD on regaining force. (x100)


I get your point now. I´m just a bit hesitant about the higher APM. Sorc already has the highest APM of all healers and I have to admit that my hand sometimes hurts after a 20 minute fight (thats my problem I know).

The force management is what annoys me about sorc a bit. A good quarter of my ability use is force regen.

My simple idea of a buff would be that Consuming darkness grants 5 force more.


The off GCD sounds nice though.

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