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Czerka Corporate Shirt - collar bug


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There is a really annoying texture bug associated with chest armor: "Czerka Corporate Shirt" (the bug is also visible on other chest armors with the same model e.g. "Exchange Corporate Shirt").

The bug concerns a wrongly applied texture to the collar of the shirt - please see the SS: https://ibb.co/LhvJZmR

Interesting thing is, that in a preview window as well as during cutscenes the bug is not present. It only appears during a playthrough. Call me paranoid but before I buy anything I always check it carefully in the preview window. For this particular item everything was looking fine so I even decided to buy black&back dye only to find out that the dyed shirt is not the same as advertised in the preview window. I cannot help but get this feeling of buying something and obtaining a defective product (I wouldn't made a fuss about it if the bug was present in the preview window). Bioware I really hope you will address that.

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The bug is subtly different to what you describe. The preview window, the character select screen and cutscenes all use one version of the model, while the "while playing" view uses a different version, and in the case of a few sets, the two versions are noticeably different (and not just because of rendering quality), as here. The other one that's notoriously different is the Pragmatic Master's set (the "Rey" set), where one version has a cloth sleeve under the rings, and the other does not.
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