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Change Unload Animation


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Anyone else think the unload animation is ugly when spec'd as a Merc? I think it looks so dumb to have a guy shooting two pistols, while crossing his arms, and holding both gangster style. It looks semi okay when he crosses his arms during sweeping blasters just because it's for a brief second and it's in a sweeping motion.


I think it would look much better and natural if he just didn't cross his arms at all. Or had an animation like Jango Fett when he unloaded on Obiwan during their fight. Wish I could make this a poll.

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I kinda like it if you think about Jango and Boba they liked a bit of show boating.


On a side note about unload I keep getting a bug where the guns continue to fire at the target long after the fight is finished, any one else getting it ?

Edited by nkitch
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Yeah, I like the idea of show boating but, make it different some how, or have multiple animations to add some variety. Where it cycles between 2 or 3 different animations every other time the skill is used, so then it would look like he's really show boating.


I like the way a Powertech unloads, just holding the pistol up in a correct shooting stance supporting his grip with the other hand. You know what, I guess I'm barking up the wrong tree here wishing this game was more realistic with it being a cartoonish scifi game, where all bounty hunters are limited to pistols... I would care less how he shot his weapon if I could use a carbine.


I have the problem too of shooting corpses repeatidly. I figured he was just making sure they were dead...

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