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Can't get passed Balmora on republic characters. Please help!


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So basically every time I play a republic character it gets to a certain point on Balmora on a certain dialog section and the game freezes and shuts down. Can someone tell what why it does that and how to fix it.


one thing you can try is to lower your graphics, turn off grass, and some of the other various graphics down

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So basically every time I play a republic character it gets to a certain point on Balmora on a certain dialog section and the game freezes and shuts down. Can someone tell what why it does that and how to fix it.

Deleting the BitRaider folder helps too. Been an issue for a lot of different things in the game. Just curious: where on Balmorra does it do this? Sounds like somewhere in the planet story arc.

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Run the game on the lowest possible settings to see if it's an issue with your hardware. Alternatively check your graphics card drivers to see if they are dated or are incompatible.

Or, if that fails... you use the repair option on the launcher to fix your game. If the issue still persists you might want to reinstall the game.

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This occurs if your graphic does not support that area feature or it has been corrupted.


Check your graphic if its is not minimum to Nvidia Geforce GT 620 and your system must have 8gb of on board ram or higher otherwise you will have issues on Desktop and same on a laptop, CPU does play a part as well especially on Laptops


This problem has plague this game since launch common with imperial agents in concern chats on personal ship like returning to Korriban at the end of Chapter 1.


My mate had a hell of a time he could not play imperial agent for 8 years his now got a new laptop no issue as it has Nvidia 1600 series integrated graphic and 24 gigabytes of ram series z390 type motherboard with I5 CPU 9000 series chipset.

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