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Leveling healer - Super weak healing why?


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So, a few points to help with healing a vet flashpoint at lower levels based on my own experience:


1. Know your class. The Scoundrel, for example, relies heavily on heals over time, which means it's a lot less forgiving than the other two healer classes, especially at lower levels. To really be effective you need to anticipate who is going to be taking damage and when so you can have your HoTs on them and ready... which brings me to the second point.


2. Know the flashpoint. This is important at all levels of healing, but can really make up for some deficiencies at lower levels. Knowing which mob pulls do lots of damage, what attacks the boss uses that need to be cleansed, etc. will give you a huge leg up. This, again, is especially true for Scoundrels who need to have their HoTs ready to mitigate incoming damage.


3. You can't help everyone. The unfortunate truth is, no matter how savvy you are there's only so much you can do yourself as a low level healer. Maybe with all your tools at level 75 you could drag a bad group kicking and screaming over the finish line, but at lower levels if you have a group that's never heard of a DCD, or is constantly pulling everything they stumble into, you're gonna have a bad time. A healer's main job is to prop up the group, so you can only be as good as the group you're propping up.


EDIT: I was reading another thread on the forum and it reminded me of one more important point;


Don't worry about doing damage. At low levels your resource management is going to be a real pain. One of the most common mistakes I've seen from healers in flashpoints is going into a pull with a "fight first, heal when there's trouble" mentality. To fulfill your role properly at these levels doing damage is a waste of your resources. I would even say, when your resources are low, it's better sometimes to even do nothing for a GCD then to waste it on an attack. You should only worry about doing damage when you're confident in your own abilities and your teams ability to survive.

Edited by Emperor_Cain
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TLDR: It's probably not a problem with your play, or with the character design. It's the result of the content being changed in a way that makes it possible for low level characters to queue for content that they don't have the tools to deal with. Yeah, it kinda sucks, but when they made the change there weren't all that many new/leveling players. Almost everyone was at max level and ranting about the slow pace of endgame content releases


Long version:

The low level healing is fine**.


** Provided:

  • You are in a proper group composition with 1 tank, 1 healer, and several DPS
    Everyone has level appropriate gear
    Everyone knows their role at least semi-competently
    The content being run was originally designed for characters of that level.


The PvE originally had strict leveling progression. If you were level 35, you COULD NOT do content more than a few levels higher than your character. Opening up content for everyone was not meant to provide more options for low level characters, it was meant to recycle old content and upgrade loot so that low level content would still be relevant to level capped characters.


You're struggling because you're trying to do higher level content in a lvl 35 character. The tuning is not meant to make higher level content viable for low level characters. It's tuned as easy endgame content. Low level characters are not tuned to be able to do ANY endgame content.


It is possible to abuse the system. If you're a skilled Ops player, geared to the hilt for your level, exploit companions, use consumables and buffs, etc., then it's possible to get through these things with a group of similar players. Depending on the flashpoint. It's also possible for skilled high level characters to carry a low level character through this sort of content. Effectively being one player down doesn't really hurt that much in a flashpoint if everybody knows what they're doing, especially if you know the flashpoint really well.

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1. Know your class. The Scoundrel, for example, relies heavily on heals over time, which means it's a lot less forgiving than the other two healer classes, especially at lower levels. To really be effective you need to anticipate who is going to be taking damage and when so you can have your HoTs on them and ready... which brings me to the second point.

Although this is a valid point, I fear that this doesn't solve the problem of the other players in your group not using their heads.


Nothing can outheal stupidity as the saying goes and I might add ignorance to that cause it's not always stupidity in all fairness.

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