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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1st <Nighttime Stronghold>: Ilum SH for Nighttime & Late-Night players (pics)


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Many of us are Nighttime and late-night players. Create an Ilum stronghold on the nighttime Ilum, as there are no night time strongholds on {dark planets}. It's a bummer, big time. My guild & I would {love} <3 a Night time stronghold, please.


Ilum: because it has the best skyline of any nighttime planet (if not the best skyline of any planet), it's very impressive. Bringing back the Ilum dailies would be wonderful, too.




Need a 1st <Nighttime stronghold> for a change. An Ilum stronghold (temple, perhaps; we have a Sith modeled one for Yavin SH, can make a Jedi modeled one on Ilum), with its adegan crystal caverns, scenic balcony/ terrace or something with a viewscape overlooking the skyline, windy & snowy ice cliffs and such; that's very different, fresh/

new and amazing.

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