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How to survive the skytrooper ambush


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I'm struggling to survive the skytrooper ambush on KOTFE. SCORPIO is influence level 10 and I'm a level 69 Sorcerer, discipline is lightning. It'd be fine if it were just the skytroopers, but the droid that can kill me faster than I can heal is annoying. I tried SCORPIO as heal and damage yet I didn't even get close. Any advice?
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Check in the menus that you get for right-clicking your character portait in the main HUD (not the "C" panel) to make sure that your chapter difficulty isn't Veteran or Master.


Otherwise, if your gear is up to snuff (level 69 can wear full 228(1)), level 69 / rank 10 companion should be plenty strong enough. This fight was originally designed for level 65 characters, after all.


(1) 228 is crafted purples.

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Use ccs when possible and try having scorpio tank instead.


Throw a heal on her when needed.


Setup an easy key combo for pet attack so she can pull adds off you. I use the home key for attack and end key for



If that still doesnt work for you spec full healing and take your time killing with her tanking or her as damage.

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I've found sometimes the adds get overwhelming like I've died a few times on ambush. Sometimes the comp wants to run off into danger and get all the aggro and get pummeled and that stop heals on you. Other times you can get too far away from your merc, don't over extend yourself. Sometimes they mobs will all target you immediately and that hurts. Like other said use your cc's, heal if you can. Try to use a merc you have high influence on that seems to help also. It's strange cause some toons I've done the same fight on and have no problem at all and then others have problems. I don't think its a class thing think its more of an npc thing.
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  • 3 years later...

my strategy was:

after dying and reviving, i snuck immediately left to the skytroopers and took out 3/4 of them, then attacked the large dude.

so relieved, this was like my 20th try lol

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