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Withdrawing too much (at one time) from guild bank deletes credits without warning


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Customer Service suggested I post this here. It's also in Bug Reports:


So, apparently, withdrawing the maximum amount of creds from your GB will deep six all the credits you have in toon inventory plus some extra just for good measure.


I wasn't thinking about it at the time and lost over 250M doing this plus a little extra so that I ended up with about 200K less than the GB max of 4,294,967,295. I know this isn't a lot for someone who has enough credits for this to happen in the first place, but still...


I mean, there's a pop-up when attempting to add too many credits TO the GB, why not the reverse? Customer Service was apologetic and sympathetic about the issue, but said that they could not reinstate the creds that were lost.


Even if I don't get my creds back, can you guys please just add a pop-up warning or have the system disallow the withdrawal? I don't know if there's one for the legacy bank or if the same thing would happen in transferring credits from one's legacy bank but am unwilling to test that.

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