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Best Buy Dev Chat


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Did anyone get to ask why Bestbuy in Canada did not have thier pre order codes till September Thus shafting you out of the first few days of early access.


No. The questions are all made for people living in Mamby Pamby Land that just arrived via the Good Ship Lollipop. This chat is all about sucking up or the question won't be asked.

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Question 6: "Do you have plants to add pod racing?"


Answer: Gaming-BBY "James: We feel vehicles are an important part of Star Wars.." **At this point the questions came quick and the nice chat app won't let me scroll up :( ***


Question 7: "Any word if there will be dual specing within the same advance class?"


Answer: Gaming-BBY James: "We're definitely looking at allowing dual specing within the same advance class soon after ship."


Question 8: Any idea when the Sith Juggernaut/Jedi Guardian will be revamped (George promised they were up next for 'additional attention')?


Answer: James: We're looking at them right now and the changes will be coming in soon after launch.


Question 9: What is your deployment schedule for future content?


Answer: James: We're going to have a regular cadence with our content updates, but we're not going into specifics. Updates will include Flashpoints, Operations, Warzones, Solo Content, Additions to existing systems and brand new systems.

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Question 11: **This question was cut off and the answer for question 9 repeated


Question 12: What are the key points of the Old Republic that you feel set it above all other MMOs?


Answer: "James: We feel that the elements of the elements of Story, Choice, Cinematic Presentation, Companion Characters, Dynamic Fast-paced Star Wars Combat, and Multiplayer Dialogue all make The Old Republic stand out amongst other MMOs

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Question 13: "I have a question regarding world PVP and moving forward. I was wondering if there are any plans for any world bosses, designed for large groups of max level players, Maybe on a random timer that drop raid (or operation) tier quality loot? In the past (in other games) I've had a lot of fun when fighting over these bosses with other players/guilds more than control objectives."


Answer: "Gabe: We currently have World Bosses with artifact loot that (players can fight over these on PVP servers) in the open worlds. We are considering adding more to various other locations including potential Illum and Outlaw's Den."

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Question 14: "Are we getting a target of target ui portrait any time soon?....Being a tank the target of target function is really quite useful..."


Answer: "Gabe: We're going to add target-of-target at a later point in time."

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Question 15: "To both the BW & EA - Congrats on a job well done, gentlment! It promises to be a most excellent game and the ega seems to be going smoothly. Keep up to good work!"


Answer: "James: Thanks very much. The whole team is very proud of all the hard work we've put in."



****This thread is now being closed because it is not a question.....

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Question 16: "Will space combat be improved upon in a future expansion back so that it is 3D and not just a rail shooter, and eventually PvP in space?"


Answer: "James: We will continue to add new space missions with our regular content updates. In addition, we have a 'secret project' on expanding the space experience."

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Question 18: "regarding dialogue options, often times female characters are referred to as "Sir" or "Lord." Is this an unintentional oversight in the voice acting, or actually part of official Star Wars lore?"


Answer: "James: Yes, this is intentional as it's part of the Star Wars lore."

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*** At this time the chat app has regurgitated a page and half of Q&A, scrolled by several questions...so I will list what I saw...of course these should all be posted officially after the Q&A**


? I can scroll the chat up, and right clicking gives a selectable section of the chat in a popup?



Do you guys plan on releasing new species/classes in the future?


>>James: Yes, we will be looking at adding new species in the foreseeable future.



Regarding dialogue options, oftentimes, female characters are refered to as "Sir" or "Lord". Is this an unintentional oversight in the voice acting, or actually part of official Star Wars lore?


>>James: Yes, this is intentional as it’s part of Star Wars lore.



Do you have plans to implement a macro system, smart camera toggling, and target-of-target ui elements?


>>James: We have a huge list of smaller features that we are working on for the future. All of these are on that list at some priority level.



Why are there no ewok companions? =[ I know they’re not supposed to be discovered for years…but seriously. Ewoks are totally worth a bit of lore-bending. Also, any chance that the original cantina song from episode 4 will make an appearance in one of the cantinas?


>>James: We have a lot of fans that think the Ewok’s are cute and would make a cuddly companion. We agree that they’re cuddly and cute, perhaps you’ll see them in the future.



First thank you Bioware for making what looks like a great game. This question is to Daniel Erickson, What made you and the writing team write so much great content for this game? And where did you look to get the story line inspirations?


>>Daniel: BioWare has always taken storytelling seriously and we brought that experience to Star Wars: The Old Republic. The biggest inspiration was the Star Wars movies themselves.



Regarding the mod system and weapons, the dev blog mentions armors mostly, Were the weapon models considered 'aesthetic choices' and considered in the same light as the armors when all the 'green' armors were given orange versions, so that we have as much choices in weapons as we are told we have in armor, and would those recipes be gained through Underworld Trading like the armors, or through the mission skill recommended for the crafting skill?


>>James: Yes, there will be modable “orange” quality weapons.



Will hard mode and nightmare mode operations be available on launch day or will they be gated in later to allow guilds that were not in early access a chance to gear up and catch up before they become available?


>>Gabe: Yes, all three levels of difficulty are available right now.


Which of those did you miss? ;)

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Question 19: Do you have plans to implement a macro system, smart camera toggling, and target-of-target ui elements?"


Answer: "James: We have a huge list of smaller features that we are working on for the future. All of these are on that list at some priority level."

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I'll let you post in case anyone is reading this thread :)


I was never able to reload the page, so that the java app worked, before the chat was locked.


So I just volunteered myself to copy the remaining chat? great... XD



What drove me away from all other MMOs was the constantly doing the same raid over and over with no options to switch things up. In SWtoR are there going to be multiple raids per tier or can we expect to be face-rolling them one at a time with months in between each new one releasing?


>>Gabe: We currently have two different Operations in the same tier (Eternity Vault & Karagga’s Palace) and we will be expanding on this tier as well as releasing other tiers.



In regards to PvP, are you guys planning on bracketing off level 50's in warzones once there is a high population of them?


>>Gabe: Yes, stay tuned for a Developer’s Blog with more on this and other PvP features coming soon.


And apparently that's it...

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