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Transcripts for Return/Hope/Deceived/Sacrifice/Betrayed cinematics?


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I've seen the cinematics 100 times over, it feels like. However, I'm deaf and have no idea what the dialogue in any of them is. I didn't even know there was dialogue in them until about 2017 and I've been playing since the very beginning (aside from the Return trailer where they obviously talk to each other).


My question is: is there anywhere where transcripts for them exist? I've Googled and searched and have come up with nothing, so far. And Bioware doesn't seem to care at all about accessibility and the possibility that people like me are playing, it seems.


Any help would be appreciated.

Edited by Brainardman
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Okay, here is my rough attempt to offer some transcripts. If there is anything I can do to make them more accessible please let me know. :)




WOW, this is beyond awesome! I can't thank you enough! And I love how you included the sound effects. That helps a lot

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Okay, here is my rough attempt to offer some transcripts. If there is anything I can do to make them more accessible please let me know. :)




Thank you so much! That was such a nice thing to do! I'm hard of hearing rather than deaf, so I've been able to catch most of the dialogue in the trailers, but I've always been surprised that Bioware and Blur didn't add optional subtitles to the official trailers.


However, I just wanted to add that there are some

on YouTube that do include some pretty good captions if you choose the "cc" option. Your transcript is still very helpful, though--for once thing, it includes sound effects, which the copies I linked to don't.


Thanks again for helping to make the trailers more accessible!

Edited by Hudlar
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Thank you so much! That was such a nice thing to do! I'm hard of hearing rather than deaf, so I've been able catch most of the dialogue in the trailers, but I've always been surprised that Bioware and Blur didn't add optional subtitles to the official trailers.


However, I just wanted to add that there are some

on YouTube that do include some pretty good captions if you choose the "cc" option. Your transcript is still very helpful, though--for once thing, it includes sound effects, which the copies I linked to don't.


Thanks again for helping to make the trailers more accessible!


Ooh, it's good to hear some users have re-uploaded the trailers with CC.

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Okay, here is my rough attempt to offer some transcripts. If there is anything I can do to make them more accessible please let me know. :)



I'm fortunate in not needing the transcripts myself, but that's a good thing to have done, and it looks like you did a good job. :ph_cheers::ph_good_post::ph_thank_you:

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  • 2 years later...

Thank you very much for these. If I may offer up two very slight adjustments: In 'Return,' Kao-Cen Darach, says, 'You were smuggling Sith artifacts, Captain;' and Nico Okarr says, 'Just inspecting the troops, Corporal.' 

I have poor recognition of high pitch sounds and tend to mishear words a lot, so I'm really grateful for this.

If a transcript could be made for 'Disorder' in the future; I'd be super-appreciative.


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