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Recruiting for New RP Guild


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Are you a big fan of Star Wars: The Old Republic but you can't help but notice the lack of RP found in the guilds and in the community? Well today is your lucky day because the Jedi Of Legend and Sith Of Legend sister guilds have just opened and we are looking for new players to fill our ranks. Both sides of the Force are available and any class is welcome to join, you do not have to be a Jedi or a Sith; however, a lot of our content will be focused around force-users.

Some of the content that we have incorporated into our guilds include: an in-depth rank system with separate branches and specializations to join within the guild, RP training and apprenticeships to immerse guild members in the world of the Jedi/Sith, and scheduled days where the two rival guilds will clash head-to-head in an epic battle between the light and the dark. We are also not restricting you to either side, because we allow for players to join both guilds as long as they main one character.

We have also built two individual Discords for the light and dark sides. If you are interested in joining or you just want to see what it's about, then please contact me on Discord at Valor#2016 or Flashy#0198 for more information, just please let us know that you are interested in the guild in your message so that we know exactly who we're talking to. Players old and new to SWTOR are welcome, our only restriction is that in order to join you must be 13+, this restriction can be void as long as the person in question can show maturity.

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