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S12 rewards


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May I know how exactly?


Because not only have you engaged in harmful behavior, you're in complete denial of the harm you caused.


Yes, that is true, but my case is different in my behavior is not bad, or just provide examples please. You need to realize that there are quite many people who hate me, but do not even know the reason why! For example a big guild on DM server spread info about me and that cause the whole guild to hate me, but when i asked individual players they didnt even know why.


Your case is not different. I've seen all the evidence I need to see on your past actions in gsf and ranked to know that you're a deeply unethical individual. You yourself admitted that you get a thrill from circumventing the system. And yet you think that you haven't done anything wrong, because you're probably a psychopath.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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Because not only have you engaged in harmful behavior, you're in complete denial of the harm you caused.




Your case is not different. I've seen all the evidence I need to see on your past actions in gsf and ranked to know that you're a deeply unethical individual. You yourself admitted that you get a thrill from circumventing the system. And yet you think that you haven't done anything wrong, because you're probably a psychopath.


Seriously, i mean, can you image what his FB posts are like? ugh..

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Where did I say that? This isn't a debate of whether top players in season 3 or 12 are better, or which was easier to accumulate rating. 7-8 years have gone by, and players of all skill levels have had a lot of time to get better mechanically - especially those that play non-stop. Matchmaking is also much different now.


Eric brought a similar idea up a few years back on the forums to re-release All-Galaxy as the top 3 title for season 9 or 10, I can't remember which. Ultimately quite a few people including myself talked him out of re-releasing top 3 titles at least, but lost ground on the tier 1 fight likely because there's no one dedicated to working on ranked rewards anymore and reskinning rewards takes less time than developing new ones. My rationale now is still the same as then.


Re-releasing tier 1 or top 3 ranked rewards from years ago is anachronistic. Tier 1 and Top 3 ranked rewards are a timestamp that show a player was successful during a specific time period, with and against specific players. If they are re-released every so often, they lose their context and meaning. All competitive sports have the year etched on the championship trophy for a reason. Winning the superbowl or world cup in 2022 is different than winning it in 1990 - which is better or worse is subjective.


If you truly value your season 12 accomplishments, you should want the main rewards to be unique to to season 12 that no one prior or after will receive. Instead I see players coveting fake furious gear with "Replica" in the gear name.


Players with 900 elo talking about season 12 rewards this is entertaining. :rak_03:

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Players with 900 elo talking about season 12 rewards this is entertaining. :rak_03:


Yup, that is sadly the negative aspect of this system, which I mentioned right when it was introduced. I have to give it to the devs that its easy to criticise what they do and not offer anything ourselves. It was a good idea, but due to low participation it has its flaws.


What I find most funny is how many of the top pvpers say that they do not care about the rewards yet as soon as they reach 200 wins they stop playing that toon and hurry to the next :D

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Because not only have you engaged in harmful behavior, you're in complete denial of the harm you caused.


Not really, I said it many times, I did harm people with the gsf stuff, but I got reported and punished and I stopped.


Your case is not different. I've seen all the evidence I need to see on your past actions in gsf and ranked to know that you're a deeply unethical individual. You yourself admitted that you get a thrill from circumventing the system. And yet you think that you haven't done anything wrong, because you're probably a psychopath.


What I did in gsf wasnt nice, but its 50-50, people on my team were happy and enemy team wasnt. In ranked I never harmed anyone, rather I was trolled by many players and in some cases quite severly through vote kick etc. There is always a thrill when people cheat, yes, I think thats quite the human behavior, but I do not have time for that now, so you can rest at ease. As for the psychopath, thats a bit harsh, its a medical diagnosis and even if you were a qualified psychologist, to diagnose like this over internet would be hell of an effort.

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In ranked I never harmed anyone, rather I was trolled by many players and in some cases quite severly through vote kick etc. There is always a thrill when people cheat, yes, I think thats quite the human behavior, but I do not have time for that now, so you can rest at ease. As for the psychopath, thats a bit harsh, its a medical diagnosis and even if you were a qualified psychologist, to diagnose like this over internet would be hell of an effort.


Of course you harmed people in ranked. You contributed to tarnishing the legitimacy of top 3 titles, and you screwed a person out of their top 3 rewards. The fact that you're still in denial of this, and the fact that you don't seem to care at all about the harm you caused is why I said you're "probably" a psychopath, or at least have psychopathic tendencies. You're also here using the justification, "everyone likes cheating, it's human nature." No...they don't. Most of us have a conscience.

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Of course you harmed people in ranked. You contributed to tarnishing the legitimacy of top 3 titles, and you screwed a person out of their top 3 rewards. The fact that you're still in denial of this, and the fact that you don't seem to care at all about the harm you caused is why I said you're "probably" a psychopath, or at least have psychopathic tendencies. You're also here using the justification, "everyone likes cheating, it's human nature." No...they don't. Most of us have a conscience.


Do not kid yourself, almost all of the top3 titles are cheated so if i didnt get it a wintrader certainly would. If u are talking about a specific person who ended up 4th then that was his fault alone as he stopped playing and therefore lost the third spot.

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Do not kid yourself, almost all of the top3 titles are cheated so if i didnt get it a wintrader certainly would. If u are talking about a specific person who ended up 4th then that was his fault alone as he stopped playing and therefore lost the third spot.


You were banned for cheating, cried and begged for your account back only to now be almost bragging about how much damage you did and trying to justify your pathetic actions.


I honestly wish Mike B would read through the lack of remorse and mental gymnastics you use to try and weasel your way out of this situation and just reban your account because you clearly don't care about what you did.

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What do you mean s4 rewards?? We won't have s3 rewards this season?? The hell?


Oh, and in case any of you are wondering why Stain the apparent saviour of solo ranked isn't around anymore, it's because his account got reset for his shenanigans in solo ranked. Both his accounts.




I recommend you go here http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/pvp/solo and then filter by lowest rating to see all the accounts that recently got reset. Hopefully, they won't give in to them when they cry and beg like Mero to get unbanned despite being the main source of frustration to the entire PVP community.

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Oh, and in case any of you are wondering why Stain the apparent saviour of solo ranked isn't around anymore, it's because his account got reset for his shenanigans in solo ranked. Both his accounts.




I recommend you go here http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/pvp/solo and then filter by lowest rating to see all the accounts that recently got reset. Hopefully, they won't give in to them when they cry and beg like Mero to get unbanned despite being the main source of frustration to the entire PVP community.


well done!

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To be fair, the "harm" they caused was just bumping some toxic Ranked grinder to 4th place?


Not saying it's cool, but its definitely not as evil or psychopathic as people are making it out to be - and certainly not unique.

Edited by TitusOfTides
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Oh, and in case any of you are wondering why Stain the apparent saviour of solo ranked isn't around anymore, it's because his account got reset for his shenanigans in solo ranked. Both his accounts.




I recommend you go here http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/pvp/solo and then filter by lowest rating to see all the accounts that recently got reset. Hopefully, they won't give in to them when they cry and beg like Mero to get unbanned despite being the main source of frustration to the entire PVP community.


Thanks for the info.. Was really wondering were he vanished, but now all is clear.


It seems that Darth Malgus is a top wintrading and cheating in solo ranked server. What a shame... :confused:

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Do not kid yourself, almost all of the top3 titles are cheated so if i didnt get it a wintrader certainly would. If u are talking about a specific person who ended up 4th then that was his fault alone as he stopped playing and therefore lost the third spot.


His fault alone? You literally cheated him out of it. And you still have no remorse. And you still don't appreciate the negative consequences of cheating to the wider pvp community. You're seriously despicable.


Oh, and in case any of you are wondering why Stain the apparent saviour of solo ranked isn't around anymore, it's because his account got reset for his shenanigans in solo ranked. Both his accounts.




I recommend you go here http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/pvp/solo and then filter by lowest rating to see all the accounts that recently got reset. Hopefully, they won't give in to them when they cry and beg like Mero to get unbanned despite being the main source of frustration to the entire PVP community.


Always nice to see. In similar news, a certain NA player recently got his second account permabanned (rhymes with bikana), so some positive steps all around.


To be fair, the "harm" they caused was just bumping some toxic Ranked grinder to 4th place?


Not saying it's cool, but its definitely not as evil or psychopathic as people are making it out to be - and certainly not unique.


Sounds like you and mero are made for each other. Sweeping unethical behavior under the rug because it's "not so bad" is exactly what I'm talking about.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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Sounds like you and mero are made for each other. Sweeping unethical behavior under the rug because it's "not so bad" is exactly what I'm talking about.


I don't think that you even know what you are talking about, let alone anyone else here.


Seriously acting like this guy is the new Hitler because he bumped a toxic Ranked grinder to the tragic 4th place? Omg call the cops.


If they were banned and unbanned, the decision was made by the people that rightfully deserve to make that decision - and not you. To publically try and trash someone who is being refreshingly honest and open after all of that is even lower than what you think you're fighting against.

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I don't think that you even know what you are talking about, let alone anyone else here.


I'm analyzing what you typed in this thread, nothing more.


Seriously acting like this guy is the new Hitler because he bumped a toxic Ranked grinder to the tragic 4th place? Omg call the cops.


My statements about him have been clear and speak for themselves. I said nothing about Hitler or sending him to jail.


If they were banned and unbanned, the decision was made by the people that rightfully deserve to make that decision - and not you. To publically try and trash someone who is being refreshingly honest and open after all of that is even lower than what you think you're fighting against.


He still has no remorse for his actions. And you, like him, are trying to justify his bad behavior because he only harmed "some toxic ranked grinder," basically victim blaming. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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cried and begged for your account back


You seem to know more than anyone else here :) and they blamed me for making such remarks without sources and proof :D


I honestly wish Mike B would read through the lack of remorse and mental gymnastics you use to try and weasel your way out of this situation and just reban your account because you clearly don't care about what you did.


Its their game, they can do what they want and when they want it. I do not mind, its pixels. For me its no biggie as I am not hooked to this game like you. Yet I dont want to judge you, I do not want to judge a grown man, who comes home from work, turns on the game, webcam, stream and talks to people he never met or will meet in his life about a virtual nonexisting game. I cannot judge you, its your thing, I have my opinion on this but you would ignore it so there is no point of giving it to you. I cannot imagine what a person has from presenting himself online cause of a game, its hard to judge, he is definitely missing something. Its surely not about the money as with 10k subs, thats hardly the case. Anyway, I cant judge you so you should not judge me. Bioware is here for that.

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To be fair, the "harm" they caused was just bumping some toxic Ranked grinder to 4th place?


Not saying it's cool, but its definitely not as evil or psychopathic as people are making it out to be - and certainly not unique.


To be honest this was exactly my goal back then, to jump into the pvp "mafia" and get one spot from them. However I ended up taking a spot from a serious player who luckily got his spot the next season. He seems to be proud of it, since he even put it into his signature. But as I wrote he had the chance to easily take the title away from me, but he didnt do it, he stopped playing and allowed me to pass him, which was quite hard on the SF server I have to add.


Still even him getting the title is discussable. We know that DM server is the source of the most of the cheating in ranked, however there are players that do it on SF and SS, but its questionable if its not the people from DM just using the time difference on US servers. Even if there would be no cheating on SF the amount of pops is very low and its a small player base, so its more about going against the same people over and over. Thats the question of what kind of top 3 that is against the same guys over and over.


In the end, as I keep on saying it, I am shaking my head here over how the people focus their life around a video game...... its sad where this world is getting to. Instead of the Covid-19 virus we should have gotten some software virus that would spread over the internet and make all these players not be able to play! That would be awesome! They would need to go outside! :D

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I do not mind, its pixels. For me its no biggie as I am not hooked to this game like you.
In the end, as I keep on saying it, I am shaking my head here over how the people focus their life around a video game...... its sad where this world is getting to. Instead of the Covid-19 virus we should have gotten some software virus that would spread over the internet and make all these players not be able to play! That would be awesome! They would need to go outside! :D


You are more "hooked" on this game than anyone has been in its history. The amount of time, effort and care you put into cheating just to get virtual "pixels" surpasses anyone I've heard of. We've been through this, and your attempt at excuses and explanations are nonsensical.


If Bioware were to totally reset all of your achievements (which they should have done years ago), you would have a fit and probably quit the game even though they're only "pixels." If you were permanently banned from this game, you would be completely devastated and you know it. The fact that you try to shame people for playing the game is pure projection. You, an actual degenerate cheater trying to shame a person for simply streaming the game and playing legitimately blows my mind. It's beyond pathetic, as are you.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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To be honest this was exactly my goal back then, to jump into the pvp "mafia" and get one spot from them. However I ended up taking a spot from a serious player who luckily got his spot the next season. He seems to be proud of it, since he even put it into his signature. But as I wrote he had the chance to easily take the title away from me, but he didnt do it, he stopped playing and allowed me to pass him, which was quite hard on the SF server I have to add.


Still even him getting the title is discussable. We know that DM server is the source of the most of the cheating in ranked, however there are players that do it on SF and SS, but its questionable if its not the people from DM just using the time difference on US servers. Even if there would be no cheating on SF the amount of pops is very low and its a small player base, so its more about going against the same people over and over. Thats the question of what kind of top 3 that is against the same guys over and over.


In the end, as I keep on saying it, I am shaking my head here over how the people focus their life around a video game...... its sad where this world is getting to. Instead of the Covid-19 virus we should have gotten some software virus that would spread over the internet and make all these players not be able to play! That would be awesome! They would need to go outside! :D


so here you admit cheating.... seriously bioware should ban you...

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You are more "hooked" on this game than anyone has been in its history. The amount of time, effort and care you put into cheating just to get virtual "pixels" surpasses anyone I've heard of. We've been through this, and your attempt at excuses and explanations are nonsensical.


If Bioware were to totally reset all of your achievements (which they should have done years ago), you would have a fit and probably quit the game even though they're only "pixels." If you were permanently banned from this game, you would be completely devastated and you know it. The fact that you try to shame people for playing the game is pure projection. You, an actual degenerate cheater trying to shame a person for simply streaming the game and playing legitimately blows my mind. It's beyond pathetic, as are you.


Seems that everyone in this forum knows me much better than anyone I know :D


There were quite a few times when i left the game, I even played WoW for a long time to try it out when the guild that I was in left swtor. My wife hates this game and hates when I play, so my time to play has always been extremely limited. You have no idea mate. I have more accounts and if I were to lose this one, I would just use another one. Even if i wouldnt get it all, it will keep me busy.

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Seems that everyone in this forum knows me much better than anyone I know :D


There were quite a few times when i left the game, I even played WoW for a long time to try it out when the guild that I was in left swtor. My wife hates this game and hates when I play, so my time to play has always been extremely limited. You have no idea mate. I have more accounts and if I were to lose this one, I would just use another one. Even if i wouldnt get it all, it will keep me busy.


Exactly. You're so invested in the game, even a ban wouldn't stop you (though it clearly would devastate you). You just continue to prove my points about you with every post.

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Exactly. You're so invested in the game, even a ban wouldn't stop you (though it clearly would devastate you). You just continue to prove my points about you with every post.


Well, I can only tell you that you are very wrong, but it will probably not ring any bell. As a matter of fact I am growing tired of the game, atm I am just farming fragments to buy gear each week which is becoming a drag. I might take a longer break if there is nothing coming, but i guess they will add achievements to the new swoop racing but i will see.

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Imagine thinking you deserve furious gear from playing in s-12 2020.


To be fair, there are people (not sure how many, but myself included) who didn't get into ranked PVP until after season 3 and would like a shot. at the replicas.


Personally idc since I'm not really doing much ranked this season, but this was a solid chance for late comers.

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