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List of Fixes and improvements needed


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I did make a similar thread a few days ago but I named it Suggestions "Petition" so it got locked cause apparently they don't allow petitions in the forums. So without wanting to highjack your thread and since I do believe that we need ONE main thread for issues like these and not everyone making their own I decided to post some of mine here too,


  • Create a Suggestions / Bug Reports Section in the forum.


Me and quite a few of my friends and family have been playing this game since the first day of pre-release and we ALL agreed on two things. First of all and beyond any doubt we absolutely love this game and haven't been so addicted to a game for years. We also agreed that there are some minor flaws in the game that even though not game-breaking, they would make our gaming experience far more pleasant. So we compiled a list of MINOR FIXES suggestions and decided to share it with the community and gather opinions, suggestions, ideas and constructive criticism.



Here's the list:


  1. Camera zoom out from first person view is way too rapid, can't get a close up look of my character no matter what unless I'm facing a wall. Make it so we can zoom in to close up view of our character faces. Wan't to check my Sith Corruption and I can't.
  2. Which brings me to making Sith Corruption effects visible in character selection screen.
  3. World Map needs some revamp. It would be nice to be able to check maps of planets we have already been to when a friend asks where that or this is and I can't help em.
  4. It would be nice to have a more clear view of what is where on the map. I spent like an hour running around in Nar Shaddaa to find the black market thingy before I gave up and vendored the cross-faction schematics I kept getting from crew missions. Improve the map legend.
  5. Reduce the frequency cross faction schematics drop for the opposite faction. I have 5 to 0 so far.
  6. Add a notification in the tooltip for already know schematics and/or prevent players from using a schematic they already know. I learned quite a few twice so far.
  7. Give the ability to access our companions character sheets while they are away or not summoned (add a drop down menu on their name like we have for our titles). Not asking for the ability to equip em while away cause that would reduce realism, just to be able to check em out for example when deciding what armor to craft.
  8. Make items that I move from my inventory to my cargo hold auto stack.
  9. Add a button so I can invite people to my guild without having to type /ginvite for every single one of them.
  10. Add the ability to right click and invite people withing my guild tab like there is in friends tab. Cannot have ALL my guild in friends list too (let alone having to be online to add them there) or type /invite one by one for the entire Ops group.
  11. Add the ability to add friends while they are offline.
  12. Guild banks? Wont go deeper into this one cause I'm sure you are already planning it! :cool:
  13. Enable chat while in space combat, I had ppl trying to contact me for like 15 mins while I was there pew pewing! :p
  14. Add the ability to search just by name in the GTN without having to go through all the subcategories.
  15. More filters in the GTN search results like specific attributes and slot.


And I think that's all for now. I'm sure I'm missing more so feel free to comment and suggest or just sign this and hopefully it can gather some attention from the developing team :D Won't go into bugs cause I've been told to report those online and that's what I've been doing since beta but I do believe in the need of a separate forum section for this kind of discussion/feedback.

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Security token needs a fix. I activated on my Ipad which I want to sell now and move it to my Android Smartphone.


So I asked for support and got something like this after 1 week of waiting: "Sorry but we can't disable tokens for now, please wait for a patch". LOL


So it's 300€ vs SWTOR...not a hard decision.

Edited by squiek
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[*]Make items that I move from my inventory to my cargo hold auto stack.


[*]Add the ability to add friends while they are offline.


[*]Add the ability to search just by name in the GTN without having to go through all the subcategories.





These and moar UI customization are on my wish list. This game is great and I'm ok with the shipped product but these things need addressed in the near future to keep me interested.

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I found a game breaking bug that does not allow me to join any flashpoints on my character because I DCed when I was finishing Colacoid War Games and they killed the last boss while I was DCed. It then would not let me back into the instances, gave me no credit for my daily or the mission, provided me with no loot. But, the worst part is I can't enter flashpoints becuase it says I must reset my active flashpoints. Well I reset them multiple times nothing, I abandonded the quest and reacquired it multiple times nothing, logged all the way out and back in nothing, left the fleet for a planet came back nothing, tried pretty much anything you can name and couldn't fix it and on top of that this is a bug thats effecting my main character which is a big detriment to my playing.


If anyone else has experienced this bug and found a way to fix it please let me know. I submitted a ticket but who knows how long that will take to get taken care of.


Also, on a side note on tatooine I found a graphics issue were the map glitches in some areas were it shows a ton of grided green and what not. I dont know if this is on other planets as well but it took up quite a large area and was very notable.


I will keep you posted if I find anymore bugs.

Edited by kallsar
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These and moar UI customization are on my wish list. This game is great and I'm ok with the shipped product but these things need addressed in the near future to keep me interested.


I totally agree mate, I love this game but it needs those fixes soon. Add to that list the need for more bars, you run out of main bars around mid 30s... Also make flytext visible from range, kinda annoying not able to see my damage output as sniper :mad:

Edited by Oloth
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