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Guild perk "Professional Training" no longer adheres to hotbar


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Just noticed today that Professional Training doesn't stick to my quickbar anymore. I drag and drop it and next time I log into that toon it's gone again. It doesn't seem to matter if it's active as a buff or if the ability is currently activated. Very frustrating :mad:
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I've been questioning if this 'perk' is actually being applied to begin with. Still says only 75% crit rate in your crew skills tab. Other players have responded to my question and responded with these huge mathematical computations but still doesn't really prove whether or not the buff is actually being applied.


This and the +10 crit crafting amplifiers, I don't believe really are being applied.


However, devs refuse to respond on this issue so as long as they won't address it, I'll continue to believe they don't actually work.

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That really doesn't have anything to do with my post. I will respond with this, however: I have personally noticed that it does work. It's not what people seem to think. In my observation it seems to cause a critical result about 5% of the time rather than a 5% critical result 100% of the time. It's most noticeable when crafting 40 items at once, then logging back into that toon when they are complete.

I have not been able to determine if the same is true for gathering missions since there isn't much swing. White mats would be the ideal study for this.

Edited by RubyRiver
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