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Sith Warrior backstory; does this fit with the lore?


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Everyone has their own headcanons for their class's backstory. I wanted to make sure the one I'm thinking of for my SW makes sense, lorewise. Let me know what you think, and feel free to post your character's backstory as well. Here's mine:


The SW was born to wealthy human Sith on a small Imperial world. His parents had tried for years to conceive an heir, and finally had one. Unfortunately, the SW was tested at birth and deemed not to be Force-sensitive; he wouldn't be Sith. The authorities wanted the boy to be sold into slavery as many non Force-sensitive children are, but his parents had the clout to avoid that. After all, a mundane heir was better than none at all. He may never hold land or title, or even rule over others, but at least he would pass on the bloodline.


So the SW was raised in a Sith home, given the best education, living a comfortable life, and seeing the best the Empire had to offer. His parents were never able to produce another child, so the SW remained the only scion of his family. And though his father never got over the disappointment of having a mundane child, his mother still insisted there was strength in him, and that anyone can harness their emotions to grow stronger.


As the boy grew into a man, he moved from position to position within the bureaucracy of the Empire, landing a position and rising through the ranks of the Sphere of Laws and Justice, as good a life as one without the Force could have in the Empire, though forever barred from the highest levels of power. And despite his successes, the SW always yearned for more.


One day, while the SW was staying with his family at their estate, a coalition of rival Sith lords led an unsanctioned attack on them. The word had been sufficiently spread that there was no Sith heir to their lands, and knowing this, power hungry Sith sought the death of the SW's parents so that their lands could be divided among the coalition. The SW fought alongside his family's troops; though not a Sith he had been trained to fight. However, he was no match for the Sith that attacked his home.


During the battle, his father was struck down. The SW was angry, but still helpless. However, shortly after, his mother was killed. When this happened, something awakened within the SW. His mind flooded with scattered visions, and his body coursed with an unfamiliar power, as if a dam had been opened. Howling in pain and rage, the SW released an explosion of pure Force energy that killed most of the attackers; snapping their necks, crushing their hearts, frying their minds.


The Imperial Military intervened in the attack, arrested the surviving Sith attackers, as well as the weakened SW. While in custody, awaiting trial (he would either be executed as a threat or forced to be Sith), the SW slowly was able to grasp fragments of the visions in his head, and he came to understand what had happened. Though his father had wanted a true Sith heir more than anything, his mother had known that the SW was their only chance at a child. She did not want to risk the almost certain early and painful death of Sith hopefuls, so she severed his connection to the Force before he could be tested. When she died, the connection immediately re-established, and a lifetime of repressed Force energy overwhelmed the SW, resulting in the horrific explosion that nearly killed him.


Word of this remarkable occurrence reached an influential Overseer at the Korriban Academy. A pure human Sith with unparalleled power in the Force, untrained and yet strong. The Overseer took a risk and had the SW brought to Korriban. Though essentially untrained in the ways of the Sith, the SW offered a remarkable power and genetic purity, both of which led the Overseer to hope he could force the SW through training early and overcome the threat of tainted blood. And, though understanding of his mother's actions, with his family dead and his powers revealed, the SW now seeks the heights of power to reclaim his family's lands and serve the glory of the Empire.



So, is there anything lore-breakingly inaccurate about that story? Thanks for taking the time to read this!

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I don't know about the larger Star Wars lore on this point, although I think it would rest on whether a severed Force connection is (in lore) restored when the person who severed it dies.


The rest of it sounds like fairly ordinary Sith politics, although I'm not sure about the mother's motivation. I agree that, in the absence of other motivations, "a mother's love" (or the father's equivalent, ref. the mission from Gianna on Hutta(1)) is one of those things that drives people to do all sorts of things to or for their children. However, if she is *capable* of severing his connection, that sort of implies that she is a (moderately strong) Force user, and by implication, *also* a Sith. The Sith motivation would *probably* override the protective maternal instinct, as seen in the case of Cellvanta Grathan, who has no hesitation about using her son to advance her power.


In addition, it's possible to justify an alternative version of "a mother's love" in the given context: she would try to *not* do what you suggested, because cutting the son off from his Force power would leave him immediately vulnerable in the case of Sith politics. (That is, she would protect him by preserving and even encouraging his strength in the Force.)


Last point. I think it's also somewhat in conflict with the Sith Warrior story itself, or at least there is nothing in there that supports it. Given the sort of conversations you have with your companions during their stories, it sounds like the sort of backstory that would be at least hinted at. The closest you come to it is some hints that the SW has been in Sith training for some time, and that it was less than pleasant.


(1) Spoilers:


You meet Gianna almost immediately after you exit your Agent or Bounty Hunter starter instance, and she asks you to find her husband and stop him taking their son away to somewhere that *isn't* Korriban-for-Sith-training. In this case, the (nFU) mother is seeking to inflict Sith training on her son, while the (equally nFU) father is trying to protect him.


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Hmm. I was thinking about the question of backreferences in the class story, and I missed one, which definitely speaks against (but not *definitively*) the sequence outlined.


When you are on Korriban at the beginning, you have to deal with Vemrin, a rival who's had it all the hard way, and both he and Baras point out that the SW has had it easy up to that point, which is not supportive of the backstory you proposed.


As I said, it's a good story, but I don't think it fits well with the Sith Warrior's in-game story.

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Few points, severing someone from the force wouldn't remove the midi-chlorians from their blood. Assuming they use the same test in this period as they did in the PT era, they still would have been detected.


It is not common for citizens of the empire to be sold into slavery. If your parents are citizens, so are you. Slavery is reserved for conquered peoples, aliens and those who fall on hard times or otherwise cross someone sufficiently influential


And as others have noted, the SW is stated to have come from an advantaged position.

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