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Alderaan SH Open House (Satele Shan)


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Hello everyone!


I recently returned to the game following a one-year military deployment (and at my wife's behest), and just in time for the new Stronghold in Alderaan to land. Despite some of its challenges, I spared no expense to complete it and I feel its finally ready to show. I therefore cordially invite anyone on my server (Satele Shan) to visit with an Imperial character, as I'd love to hear the impressions and opinions from some fellow SH enthusiasts. The Stronghold name in the public directory is "Mourne's Lair of Shadows". As I'm not always in the game (i.e. career, family, etc.), if anyone would like to see it while I'm offline, simply send me an in-game mail with your character name and I'll provide you with a silver key. You can discard the key after you've visited, or keep it, it's up to you. Feel free to leave your comments/questions either here or via PM.


I paid a lot of attention to detail on this one, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!




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Why don't you just set the SH as "public" so people can visit without needing a key? You can always set it back to private later. (Public visitors can't mess with things in the SH.)


It is set to Public, though restricted to Imperials. My understanding is that the SH isn't listed and available to visit when the owner isn't online, unless you have a silver key.

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