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Becoming Republic or Imp =)


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So we are now saboteurs for pubs or imps. I get we are currently stuck in our positions for the foreseeable futures But still hoping we will get to switch or become part of a third faction ( smugglers etal) ;) . Ok my chiss agent ended her class story on becoming an s.i.s. agent for Arden Kothe and they know she is working for them ..well Jonus does even though theron hasn't a clue :rolleyes:


I mean the past is the past in as much as old planets are concerned like hoth ect and heroics we have a mission toggles that will allow us to go to revisit them so none of our old junk changes ( only reason i mention it is because sec x is sooooo much more bearable on imp side :o ) Only Character that i have who remained loyal is a warrior just because her family is sith even though they are light side ( all my characters are). Anyways its my hope faint as it is. Anyone else have ideas how it work?

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So we are now saboteurs for pubs or imps.|/QUOTE]

I'm not a stinking saboteur. Loyalist to the end! (I'm yanking your chain...)

Anyone else have ideas how it work?

I imagine that various members of BioWare staff have a very good idea of how it will work, but out here in Playerland, I'd say it's a fair bet that nobody knows yet, and that anyone who has that sort of information is under a very, very strict NDA.


My best guess is that any defection option for saboteurs (if there is such an option) won't appear until 6.something-more-than-2, or even 7.0.

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yeah i think you are right =) still i was more hopefull that others may have ideas of how they think it could work =)

There would be some kind of spoiler-drenched story line (so spoiler-drenched that we won't see it until it's released) and then ...


Well, the obvious problem is how you map classes into the opposite faction. This is my thought from another thread talking about faction changes, in the context of keeping each class the same on the other side, but (I would think) under a new name:

That was actually my thought. Maybe change the names on the opposite factions, but keep the class identity. The names below are just my thoughts on the matter, and I'm open to suggestions, especially for an equivalent of Powertech, where I totally lacked inspiration and where online thesauruses are *no* help at all.


Pub ==> Imp:

* Commando ==> Black Ops Commando (Black Ops being my vision of the Imp equivalent of Havoc Squad)

* Vanguard ==> Black Ops Vanguard

* Trooper ==> Black Ops Trooper (If you can think of something else that avoids the "BOT" abbreviation, go for it!)

* Gunslinger ==> Shooter (look up your Old West terminology!)

* Scoundrel ==> (digs in thesaurus) Swindler

* Smuggler ==> (still got that thesaurus open) Runner

* Jedi (anything) ==> Fallen Jedi (that thing) (avoids the problem of finding a translation of "Consular")


Imp ==> Pub:

* Mercenary ==> Freelancer

* Powertech ==> ((help me out here!))

* Bounty Hunter ==> Stalker (weak at best, and if you have better ideas, I'd be glad to hear them)

* Sniper ==> Rifleman (it's not an ideal conversion, but the two best are already in use: who would want to change from being a "Marksmanship Sniper" to being a "Marksmanship Marksman"?)

* Operative ==> Spook ("operative" is normally an adjective equivalent to "functional" or "operational"...)(1)

* Imperial Agent ==> Provocateur (whatever we put here would be contentious(2))

* Sith (anything) ==> Redeemed Sith (that thing)


(1) Operative isn't the only class named for an adjective. "Consular" is an adjective that describes things or activities related to consulates (and the implied consulate in a modern embassy), as opposed to "ambassadorial" which refers to things related specifically to an embassy or more narrowly to the ambassador him/her self. Mapping Jedi Consular to Fallen Jedi Consular avoided that issue.


(2) "Republic Agent" is a spectacularly bad alternative, since it would instantly attract complaints about a lack of "Republic Agent class story". In addition, "Provocateur" is a pretty good description of much of what the Agent does during the class story.

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well from the bounty hunter mercs you said stalker i seem to remember Rangers instead of mercs =) not sure with the power techs though kind of sad but tech shields...idk that sounds kinda lame i guess lol anyways the merc def a ranger =)
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Allowing permanent faction changing could potentially up to double the voice acting work required of player characters' actors in any future expansion; Athena Karkanis, for one example, would be needing to record all the dialogue for the female Republic side consular, as well as for the Imperial 'fallen' Consular (or undercover Shadow, or whatever). Whilst class balance, and indeed actual story content, in the unlikely event of us getting any more non-companion based class specific content, could be solved by treating her as an Inquisitor, just with dialogue trees to replace "Dark Councillor" with "Fallen Jedi Master", she'd still have her own voice - and her own companions.


"Nadia, the nice Empress Acina asked you if you'd like a sandwich, it's not polite to start gurgling ancient languages in your throat and talking about how you want to eat her soul with a nice chianti. And C2-N2, if you don't stop swearing like a pirate and calling me a 'crazy Sith', I'll feed you to an Ewok."


Of course, in practice, the workload would be less than that. A lot of dialogue can and always is recycled; "There's useless, and then there's you people" is a phrase at home in any conversation and with any faction, and a lot of plot specific new dialogue might well fit both faction storylines;


"Oh bother. It looks like Sel Makor has returned, reanimated and possessed that giant Force sensitive Krayt Dragon skeleton, and is about to attack our base with it. A Jedi's way is to always get into these messes."


Is a line which could be worked into both storylines, as is "Gasp. Lana, you were a Child of the Emperor / Eldritch Darkside Abomination in Human Form / Property Developer / Trio of Jawas standing on each other's shoulders with a Blonde Wig all the Time. I'm so shocked. Wow."


However... the more that happens, the more economic "push" there is for the bulk of future storylines to follow the KOTFE model, and be largely identical for both factions, which was, I thought, what the hope for Onslaught etc was to get away from.


I suppose having your original companions desert in a huff - where appropriate, and then having your voice surgically changed to hide your identity from vengeful assassin droids from your old faction might work.


"Welcome to the Dark Side, Barsenthor. To cover your tracks from the Jedi Council, we've used Sith Sorcery to give you the voice of the former Darth Nox from now on. Try to say "Hello"."


"Murder and mayhem await."


"Try to say 'I'm going to host a lovely party for all the orphaned children on Balmorra and their puppies."


"There will be no survivors."


"Yep, that's working."

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well from the bounty hunter mercs you said stalker i seem to remember Rangers instead of mercs =) not sure with the power techs though kind of sad but tech shields...idk that sounds kinda lame i guess lol anyways the merc def a ranger =)

I didn't say "Stalker" for Mercenary. I said "Freelancer" for "Mercenary".


I said "Stalker" for "Bounty Hunter" as an imperfect equivalence. However, I think that "Ranger" is *more* imperfect.

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