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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Need more dye options, like color crystal colors-->not just one color fits all shades

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Really need more dye options.


I mean different shades of black&________ whatever colors (not just one color fits all (shades)). Ex) Black-Frost Blue, Black-Ocean Blue, Black-(match it the colors of blue color crystals). I mean use the various different shades of colors that color crystals use as a reference for dyes, in expanding and really having dye diversity



We have lots of shades of color crystals - need the same for dyes, like we don't even have metallic dyes (bronze, silver, gold), but color crystals have metallic shades (It's a night and day difference comparing the two).


Please work on improving the dyes

Edited by BlackSilverFire
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Honestly, I feel like the dye options we have are pretty diverse, and we usually get a couple of new dyes every CM update.


I donno, I've never struggled to find a satisfying color combo for my outfits, and I spend a lot of time playing Space-Barbie.

Edited by jedimasterjac
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I would actually love to see more new dye options, particularly low-saturation colours. We have plenty of intense, highly saturated dyes, but not nearly enough subtler ones.

Very true. Perhaps for future unsaturated ones, the names should include the names of the colours somehow, so they are easier to find in the GTN or the CM.


That is, "Honorable Admiral (Brown/Grey)" (slightly made up example) instead of just "Honorable Admiral".

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Very true. Perhaps for future unsaturated ones, the names should include the names of the colours somehow, so they are easier to find in the GTN or the CM.


That is, "Honorable Admiral (Brown/Grey)" (slightly made up example) instead of just "Honorable Admiral".


Either that, or add similar "flavour" names for some of the more esoteric high saturation combinations, too.


"The Emperor's Jester", "Dumb, Ugly, & Colourblind", "Dressed by the Miraluka", and "Cheap Nar Shadaa Harlot" might all be useful and appropriate names for some of the available dye combos.

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Either that, or add similar "flavour" names for some of the more esoteric high saturation combinations, too.


"The Emperor's Jester", "Dumb, Ugly, & Colourblind", "Dressed by the Miraluka", and "Cheap Nar Shadaa Harlot" might all be useful and appropriate names for some of the available dye combos.

You're not wrong, although my suggestion was oriented towards making them easier to find in the GTN/CM by searching for the actual colour. (I want to find dyes with brown in, and I want to include my noted hypothetical "Honorable Admiral" in the search results, but I cannot because "brown" does not appear in its name.)

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Given how hideously clunky the Cartel Market interface is across the board,is it time for a web interface as well as the in game one? We can buy coins on the website; why not browse and purchase items too? It would provide a use for the otherwise irritating "stash" (just give us a bigger centralised inventory, rather than having to move stuff from one sort to another. .) and "Pack Explorer" disutilities, for those who still buy the odd pack. Make those the primary "in game" inbox for items purchased, either via ingame store (for convenience and speed) or via the website (for easier boolean searching of the larger catalogue and greater item detail.


Imagine, for instance, being able to see price, stats (if applicable) and preview all on ONE screen...)

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Given how hideously clunky the Cartel Market interface is across the board,is it time for a web interface as well as the in game one?

Not necessarily. It might just mean that it is (long past) time for a revamp of the in-game interface. Of course, I'm not saying that a web interface to the CM is a bad idea - FF14 shows that a delivers-to-that-character web interface is possible, for example(1) - just that the CM interface's badness merely calls for something better than what we have.

We can buy coins on the website; why not browse and purchase items too? It would provide a use for the otherwise irritating "stash" (just give us a bigger centralised inventory, rather than having to move stuff from one sort to another. .) and "Pack Explorer" disutilities, for those who still buy the odd pack.

Bad as the Item Stash is(2), it is still an improvement over the previous way of doing things, where packs opened into your inventory, but your point is taken. Again, though, I think it just indicates that it is (long past) time for a rework of it, too.

Make those the primary "in game" inbox for items purchased, either via ingame store (for convenience and speed) or via the website (for easier boolean searching of the larger catalogue and greater item detail.


Imagine, for instance, being able to see price, stats (if applicable) and preview all on ONE screen...)

I think an FF14-like approach would be good, where you can pick a server+character who will appear in previews and who will receive the item (by in-game mail) once it is purchased. But yes, I've often thought that it would be good to be able to buy stuff "pre-emptively" via Web.


I also think that a "send as gift to this other character on the same legacy"(3) button in the in-game CM would be nice. Many's the time that I've thought, "Hey, this would look great on that other character, but not for this one," and a way to make the gift buy *now* would be useful in that case.


On the other hand, it's a good idea to leave it possible to access things in-game, because that allows your previews to include e.g. dyes from that stock of Black/Deep Red(4) you keep in your Legacy Storage (er, well, you might not, but I do).


(1) For FF14 it's complicated by the lack of intermediate currency equivalent to Cartel Coins - things you buy in the Mog Station are bought directly by credit card, so it's reasonable to leave it out-of-game.


(2) I could go on at length on the badness of a scrolled-and-paged system rather than a single scroll range or a non-scrolled page system, the lack of search, and a number of other things, but I won't.


(3) Not a general gift, because that's a hacker's charter. (Hack an account, use its coins to buy things as gifts, sell the gifts, launder the credits, no 36-hour delay required.)


(4) Crafted by Artifice from a schematic available from the Reputation vendors on Oricon.


EDIT: ugh. Fixed up my footnotes. :(

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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