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Possible fix for Combat Sands (and maybe Inf shadows)


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I've read quite a few threads on the "Sents are broken" topic and I must say that since there as almost as many who say they are fine as compared to those saying they are broken; Causes me to lean more towards the they are fine side.This class is pure in your face dps, and because of this we are as squishy as a caster. Its kill faster then they can kill us basically. Now does this class have issues compared to other classes..To a degree yes..Is it broken NO! The problem is almost every other class has a stun,CC,hold of some sort to hold of the elites while they take out the rest of the mobs..Sents I believe doesn't..(Mine is only 35). But with that Sents kill very fast as watchman I destroy elites both gold and silver..As fsr as other classes I see them complaining just as much. troopers saying there damage against elites sucks, scrappers saying they cant solo anything, seers saying they cant solo cause of dps so forth and so on..Now I mentioned watchman being awesome..combat on ther other hand im not sure..which comes to the main point of this post..I think Ataru should be changed...

It sbould be Ataru has a x% chance for an attack to land twice the second hit doing 40% of the first attack's damage...that way a burst spec will appeal more well you know bursty maybe 40% is too high maybe 35% ..but you get the idea..what do you all think?

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also as thisbis the sad truth in any MMO..Be prepared those who are complaining (Only the ones complaining about our damage)that when damage meters come into this game and sents are ripping the meters apart for other classes to,charge us with pitchforks and nerf-bats!
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