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Patch Help


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Hi folks. Need help fixing my game...It was working fine two days ago but yesterday it said (after logging in) that there was an error with the patch and I'd need to try again. I found a tutorial on how to fix that, which got me through to my character menu. It now says it's downloading the rest of the game and I can only play beginner characters on their starting worlds. While waiting for it to finish, I completed three new characters on their starting planets and the download bar STILL hadn't moved at all. Internet's working great so I don't know why it won't download. I've deleted the whole system and re-downloaded it before having to go through the whole stupidity again. HELP :mad: Edited by Recluseee
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Carefully follow the instructions on this page https://answers.ea.com/t5/Troubleshooting-Guides-Info/Guide-How-to-Switch-to-Non-Streaming-Launcher/td-p/4867417 to remove the "quick start but can't leave the starter worlds" option.


You'll have to redownload the entire game (but hey, you currently can't play properly anyway), but patches and so on afterwards will be far more reliable.


Explanation: there are two patch modes in SWTOR, as in most MMORPGs. One downloads a minimum amount of the game and lets you play in beginning areas while it downloads the rest in the background (good for new players) and the other downloads the whole game (or a whole patch) before letting you play (good for existing accounts). In SWTOR, there's no launcher option to choose which mode you use, so you have to resort to the instructions in the page I linked.


Warning: Computers are obnoxiously pedantic, so it is critically important to be very, very careful about following the guide on the page I linked.

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