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Older Gear Sets, Schematics (Removed from Game) for Tech Fragments


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Now that we are approaching 6 months into the expansion, there are fewer and fewer useful things to buy with tech fragments.


I thought one worthwhile addition would be a vendor that has older gear sets and schematics that were removed from SWTOR over the years.


I don't think this interferes with your CM sales - CM sets are so much nicer in design than anything from the launch-era or shortly after.


The set bonus gear in 6.0 has some nice older models included, but there are so many more that were removed over the years, or variations seen on NPCs that aren't available for players. Also, crafting schematics for Armormech and Synthweaving that were taken out with 4.0 would be nice too. Basically, just return *some* of these so we have something to spend tech fragments on, and the armors get back into the game too.


Again, players will continue to buy CM sets and other items no matter because they are new and generally way nicer than anything you can get in the game. This just gives players more choices to put together things for their characters with, meaning they spend more time in the game, which I doubt is bad for your business.


Lastly, the Guardian/Warrior Revanite/Dark Reaver model is still missing! All the other classes got the 3.0 Revanite/Dark Reaver armor shells back (even if they are now class-restricted). Please add this!

Edited by arunav
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Now that we are approaching 6 months into the expansion, there are fewer and fewer useful things to buy with tech fragments.


I thought one worthwhile addition would be a vendor that has older gear sets and schematics that were removed from SWTOR over the years.


I don't think this interferes with your CM sales - CM sets are so much nicer in design than anything from the launch-era or shortly after.


The set bonus gear in 6.0 has some nice older models included, but there are so many more that were removed over the years, or variations seen on NPCs that aren't available for players. Also, crafting schematics for Armormech and Synthweaving that were taken out with 4.0 would be nice too. Basically, just return *some* of these so we have something to spend tech fragments on, and the armors get back into the game too.


Again, players will continue to buy CM sets and other items no matter because they are new and generally way nicer than anything you can get in the game. This just gives players more choices to put together things for their characters with, meaning they spend more time in the game, which I doubt is bad for your business.


Lastly, Guardian/Warrior Revanite/Dark Reaver model is still missing! All the other classes got the 3.0 Revanite/Dark Reaver armor shells back (even if they are now class-restricted). Please add this!


^Not true, the launch-era Sorcerer's sets make most stuff today pale in comparison (been getting compliments on mine for several years); there are some others. Overall, it was a mixed bag. You're invading the oldest of veterans' territory, and don't expect them to just lay down for you or any Johnny-come-lately as you invalidate them. You already have gear of the same cosmetic look now (a more recent lazy decision of BW, as pvp ranked gets a pass again: double-standard), but no way you're getting the original names of it - you've NO need for that either.


3.0 on, fine, idc. Yes, Dark Reaver Guardianl/ Warrior armor set has been butchered beyond belief with this past expansion and is the only one not to come back of the Dark Reaver armors (only the helmet is in game w/ the body of the merc's set: used TWICE, on 2 classes - horrid.- the matching set needs to return. All the Dark Reaver schems - fine with me, they were originally adaptive gear anyway, and it's silly to see them now bound to a certain class. Know what else needs to return? - The Original Dailies of this game: talking about Ilum - it was the best, and most players on these days have [[[NO IDEA]]] how great the original dailies were - so return that first and foremost, before we look at strip-mining old cosmetic stuff.

Edited by Willjb
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You're invading the oldest of veterans' territory, and don't expect them to just lay down for you or any Johnny-come-lately as you invalidate them.

Look carefully at the link in arunav's name by his post. There's a number in the link. As far as I know, it's a *serial* number, one that goes up and up for newer and newer users. Mine's from March 2013, a smidge over seven and a half million, but arunav's is 111805, so he's a way early veteran.

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^Not true, the launch-era Sorcerer's sets make most stuff today pale in comparison (been getting compliments on mine for several years); there are some others. Overall, it was a mixed bag. You're invading the oldest of veterans' territory, and don't expect them to just lay down for you or any Johnny-come-lately as you invalidate them. You already have gear of the same cosmetic look now (a more recent lazy decision of BW, as pvp ranked gets a pass again: double-standard), but no way you're getting the original names of it - you've NO need for that either.


3.0 on, fine, idc. Yes, Dark Reaver Guardianl/ Warrior armor set has been butchered beyond belief with this past expansion and is the only one not to come back of the Dark Reaver armors (only the helmet is in game w/ the body of the merc's set: used TWICE, on 2 classes - horrid.- the matching set needs to return. All the Dark Reaver schems - fine with me, they were originally adaptive gear anyway, and it's silly to see them now bound to a certain class. Know what else needs to return? - The Original Dailies of this game: talking about Ilum - it was the best, and most players on these days have [[[NO IDEA]]] how great the original dailies were - so return that first and foremost, before we look at strip-mining old cosmetic stuff.


Just because you want your little "I am special"-feeling, doesnt mean that newer players cant get the same items that BioWare removed for no reasons. They have, just by the way, only a cosmetic purpose anymore anyway. And no, I'm playing since SWTOR Beta and too want that they bring back armor sets that they removed so blind eyed.


BioWare is having a conflicting hand on this issue anyway, because they keep giving us armor sets from famous NPCs lately (Tau Idair, Darth Malgus for example) but they refuse to give us the exact same sets "normal" NPCs are wearing in this game. Or they are giving us back pieces from old sets but seem to forget 50% of the sets on the other hand (look at the old armor sets we got from the command crates for example, or the rakata sets we can craft. But they refuse to give us the lvl 50 battlemaster sorcerer set back.)

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Just because you want your little "I am special"-feeling, doesnt mean that newer players cant get the same items that BioWare removed for no reasons. They have, just by the way, only a cosmetic purpose anymore anyway. And no, I'm playing since SWTOR Beta and too want that they bring back armor sets that they removed so blind eyed.


BioWare is having a conflicting hand on this issue anyway, because they keep giving us armor sets from famous NPCs lately (Tau Idair, Darth Malgus for example) but they refuse to give us the exact same sets "normal" NPCs are wearing in this game. Or they are giving us back pieces from old sets but seem to forget 50% of the sets on the other hand (look at the old armor sets we got from the command crates for example, or the rakata sets we can craft. But they refuse to give us the lvl 50 battlemaster sorcerer set back.)


^Just because you feel entitled to things YOU KNOW you don't rate, doesn't mean everyone else is just going to bend over backwards for you. The cosmetic armors from then are already attainable IN GAME. Get your facts straight before going off on a wrong tangent. All I'm saying is change the name on the armors IF they're going to bring them back, even if slightly. That's more than fair. Other than that, whatever, bring back the named KoToresque weapons: The Fall of Atris, Darth Bandon's Dualsaber, Hatred, Gambler's Luck, etc that have been sitting in my bays for several years (original color crystals in them and whatever) - FINE WITH ME. ACTUAL GAMEPLAY: The Original Dailies of this game {Ilum] should be brought back, too, [updated rewards], as they were taken away too, <for no reason>, and it was a fav area for many of us. Ilum comes back the way it was and have at the cosmetic stuff from then. Battlemaster was sorcerer pvp, have the whole set - love it so much I don't even put my dread Crest over it, and you can find it on the GTN (minus the wrist & waist pieces that weren't modifiable/ schem-able; BUT the Chaotic Mystic's armor set on the CM has a (better) tweaked version w purple glowing eyes on the skull belt.) Bring back that AND the whole Dark Reaver set - back when pvp had great cosmetic armor. It's erking to see D.R., that was originally adaptive, returned (under a different name) BUT class locked and spliced/ [butchered] on the Warrior's/Sentinel's set (which is NOT the original War Leader's armor from D.R.} Aside from this topic, I've been pretty outspoken about bringing back sub companions & pvp ranked color crystals: ex) Black-Blue Striated, for those who missed out, HK sub stuff - fine.

In game stuff: as long as it's fair across the game PvE [AND] PvP, I've no problem with most stuff coming back and staying, in original or tweaked form (different name, but still the same thing), depending. A [Double-Standard] is an underlying theme in many of my posts; as long as I see re-releasing stuff not just in ONE area, like Sub Rewards, or PvE, but across the board: PvE, [PvP] - which has been the least willing to bring back a lot of its old cosmetic stuff,and Sub Rewards - [i want to see movement in all 3 areas], NOT just 1 or 2.


Overall, actual content/ gameplay was taken from us, and my focus is mainly on that. I've brought up the striped Ilum dailies throughout the years, and No, I'm still not happy that my favorite dailies spot/ planet was gutted.

Edited by Willjb
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Look carefully at the link in arunav's name by his post. There's a number in the link. As far as I know, it's a *serial* number, one that goes up and up for newer and newer users. Mine's from March 2013, a smidge over seven and a half million, but arunav's is 111805, so he's a way early veteran.


^It's not about veteran this veteran that (it's more like samurai than a club, btw)( waited years~ for this game to come out), it's those who don't have getting enough content such that they don't feel left out on everything exclusive or time windowed while not utterly invalidating the have's and making everything easy and at a pittance and rehashing ancient shinies all the time rather than putting out new cosmetic content or rewards (this lead to the the last sub reward being a CM item, for the first time ever, rather than an item like the Dr O holostatue/ trainer of a past expansion). Everyone has to [Compromise] on some things, like just bring armor back but slightly change the name (weapons just bring back the original name, like the KoToResque stuff (looked like right out of KoToR) - it was very nostalgic at the time and too good of a concept for any player to miss out on) while keeping some stuff, like Founders title, exclusive (never use mine, btw) - easy, done.

(Am very weary of [encroachment] tho.)


I really like your args tho (it's nice to see a mature person on here), and would give you my spare preorder crystal code if I didn't give it away a couple years ago. (Will probably hook up your referrals down the road (w mates), as several years without that purple robot pet is pretty long.)

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^Just because you feel entitled to things YOU KNOW you don't rate, doesn't mean everyone else is just going to bend over backwards for you. The cosmetic armors from then are already attainable IN GAME. Get your facts straight before going off on a wrong tangent. All I'm saying is change the name on the armors IF they're going to bring them back, even if slightly. That's more than fair.


I'm not feeling entitled to anything in this game. But I guess you do, because otherwise you wouldn't try to discredit me talking about keeping my facts straight while it seems that you have zero clue by yourself.


Not all old armor sets are avaible in game, only some of them are back. The agent columi set for example, or the warrior columi set. Or the old rakata sets you can craft. Heck, even the old shadow battlemaster armor set was back during the command crates but they removed the gear with 6.0 AGAIN. But not all of them are back. Battlemaster Sorc set is the perfect example here. Sure, you can go and purchase the force master set from the CM but it has a different head piece and a different belt piece (the one you mentioned with the stupid purple glow in the eyes). Its true that you could buy some of the pieces from the GTN because of the old schematics. But how many people are left who can craft them? Do you know anyone? No? Me too because 99% of them already left the game. And people dont want redesigned armor sets. They want the exact old ones back. With the same color, the same animation (or not), and without idiotic purple glows.


I'm not talking about that they should change the uniqueness of your old weapons (even I got some of them in my bank just because they have unique names). I'm fine with the fact that these weapons are unobtainable.

Edited by Jesseriah
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Just for reference, I'm a pre-release player, and I support this idea. Have too many incomplete older sets that I want to complete, not to mention that I have tons of new characters that I can't get that gear on since it's all Bound (unfortunately no grandfathering of old gear into legacy yet). So yeah, founder here and I'd be all for that concept.
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Just for reference, I'm a pre-release player, and I support this idea. Have too many incomplete older sets that I want to complete, not to mention that I have tons of new characters that I can't get that gear on since it's all Bound (unfortunately no grandfathering of old gear into legacy yet). So yeah, founder here and I'd be all for that concept.


^I don't mind grandfathering stuff to Legacy, but just bc you evidently left this game [early on] and are recently back (see a lot around each expansion: the "prodigal players") - Don't expect [your] poor planning to make this my priority. You're a founder, but I'll take Steve^ over you any day as he has put a lot more time in and is much more responsible.

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^I don't mind grandfathering stuff to Legacy, but just bc you evidently left this game [early on] and are recently back (see a lot around each expansion: the "prodigal players") - Don't expect [your] poor planning to make this my priority. You're a founder, but I'll take Steve^ over you any day as he has put a lot more time in and is much more responsible.


Thank you for trivializing my enjoyment and love of this game, not to mention my input, no matter it's "level". It's revealing on how you see or treat other people.


I will not do the same to you. I will respect your opinion on the matter, as well as your input. I may disagree. but I will respect it.

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Look carefully at the link in arunav's name by his post. There's a number in the link. As far as I know, it's a *serial* number, one that goes up and up for newer and newer users. Mine's from March 2013, a smidge over seven and a half million, but arunav's is 111805, so he's a way early veteran.


Indeed, I am a pre-order player, and have been subbed since the launch days. If I remember correctly, I joined these forms years before the game even came out, when people came here to discuss its features while it was in development.


I think a lot of veteran players would agree with me, way more than want to keep a chest piece or whatever "exclusive". We have characters that have bound gear that would ideally be available for newer characters, but they've been taken out of the game.


Putting schematics/the sets themselves on a vendor gives folks a new carrot when the expansion is losing some steam 6 months in, and something to spend tech fragments on. Since the gear was in SWTOR before, I'm fairly certain it's easy work to put back in.

Edited by arunav
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Putting schematics/the sets themselves on a vendor gives folks a new carrot when the expansion is losing some steam 6 months in, and something to spend tech fragments on. Since the gear was in SWTOR before, I'm fairly certain it's easy work to put back in.

On the global scale of things, it probably is pretty easy. That said, it's worth noting that there are many things that are unexpectedly still acquirable in-game.


Example: The Hyrotti Scrapper speeder. The Internet tells me that it was a reward-vendor item associated with the Chevin event, and that later on (2013-2015) it was available from Seeker Droid dig sites.


But why did I ask the Internet about it? No, I didn't see someone riding it and ask them. No, I didn't dig it up with my seeker droid.


What happened was that I was running the Coruscant H2s a week or so ago, and one of the dudes I put down had one in his back pocket. Since he didn't need it any more, I took it.

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Who cares about that stuff? Seriously. There are so much more newer and better looking armors out, that this thread seems like one of those bent on compulsion to consume whatever has been put out on The Old Republic, as I seriously doubt posters will actually use those armors (they look terrible) as a prime choice. I'd never want to buy any of that and no one I know would. This isn't doing anyone a favor. It's so silly to whine and act like some old clunky looking models of armors are like the only option to resort to and that there are so few armor sets on ToR, when there are tons of them. Instead, I'd much rather be able to buy augments with tech frags seeing how they are so ungodly expensive and unaffordable for most, as the newer ops are harder, something that is really needed. Edited by BlackSilverDawn
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Who cares about that stuff? Seriously. There are so much more newer and better looking armors out, that this thread seems like one of those bent on compulsion to consume whatever has been put out on The Old Republic, as I seriously doubt posters will actually use those armors (they look terrible) as a prime choice. I'd never want to buy any of that and no one I know would. This isn't doing anyone a favor. It's so silly to whine and act like some old clunky looking models of armors are like the only option to resort to and that there are so few armor sets on ToR, when there are tons of them. Instead, I'd much rather be able to buy augments with tech frags seeing how they are so ungodly expensive and unaffordable for most, as the newer ops are harder, something that is really needed.


The newest tier of augments is so expensive because the materials really do take a lot of time to put together, even after you reverse engineer the schematic, which also takes quite a lot of materials (I think I reverse engineered about 25 blues to get the purple schematic). So, naturally, players sell them for the time necessary to gather all the materials, conquest components, and effort put into getting the schematic in the first place.


That said, if you're in a guild, other people in it generally craft things for you for free in exchange for not even all materials, just the rarer ones. In its entire history, the game has never undercut the crafting market by directly putting augments, or for that matter other current-tier crafted items, for sale on a vendor - it defeats the purpose of crafting as a time sink that rewards players who engage in it, or activities that drop rare materials. In the past, this was usually materials from operations, but I don't think those are required for the current augments. FPs have the same drops.


In any case, I don't think you are correct about older armor sets no longer available. A lot of players ask for them - it's at least part of the reason some of the models included with set bonuses you'd never actually use in 6.0 is gear from past expansions, like the Shadow of Revan tier 2 endgame models. They are something to buy with tech fragments for cosmetic purposes. Instead of selling these on the CM, BW chose to put them on a vendor for players to earn. The Centurion set for Inquisitors from the launch days was put on the CM, but the one for Sages was in Command Crates during 5.x. Sometimes it feels random what is put where, but my main point was getting this gear back in the game for newer characters isn't a drain on CM sales and gives players something to use tech fragments on.


Your particular take on older gear is a perfect example of why it doesn't really affect CM sales to do so. Veterans like getting some of the older looks for characters they didn't have back in 2012, and everyone else either discovers something they can use or ignores it. Since it doesn't take much effort to bring back old gear (it's already been made functional for all species and body types), this isn't a lot to ask for I don't think, particularly if BW isn't ever going to sell said models on the CM.

Edited by arunav
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