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I can't browse GTN when i learn a crew skill.


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Whenever i learn a crew skill i cannot browse GTN at all, no matter what i do, settings and troubleshooting. There's so many old threads about this issue about not having the abiltity to browse GTN for some reason, but no idea if it is connected to crew skills. But as soon as i abandon the one i've just learned everything is normal again.


Been tested on 3 characters with different crew skills on both sides. Same result. No matter crew skill i learn and just one crew skill, i cannot use GTN at all no matter how many times i reset filter etc.


Have i made sure that i'm searching items for myself and not for a companion? Yes.

Been using the same filter settings and search terms to compare before and after i learn a crew skill and again after i abandon it.


Have i tried to reset the filter and/or try different settings? Yes

One of the most asked questions in every thread i can find.


Everything is fine with AV, Firewall, Windows update? Yes

Not sure if that has to do with anything but anything is updated.

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