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Alignment Codex Entries


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Would it be possible to get the titles from alignment on both sides with 1 character?


Because I just completed the starting flash points on each side with 1 character. My SW is tier 5 LS and he did the BT flash point LS and finished with the codex entry The Stewart. Then I did it again same character, but this time BT flash point DS and got the codex entry The Merciless. Now I have both these codex entries that seem to contradict each other. And I still have the codex entry Pure so, the alignment points didn't undo anything.


Also my JK is tier 5 LS. He did the TE flash point and got the codex entry The Uncompromising. Then I redid DS and got the codex entry The Backstabber. So same deal here. My DS choices didn't do anything to my LS alignment. My JK still has the codex entry Pure.


So I'm wondering if I could take this up a notch. Instead of just TE and BT flash point titles, would this be possible to have a character obtain both Pure and Malevolent titles at once?

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Would it be possible to get the titles from alignment on both sides with 1 character?

Sort of. You can't wear a dark title that is more dark than your current level of darkness, nor a light title that is more light than your current level of lightness. There's some suggestion that you can e.g. wear any dark/light title that your character has ever earned if you are currently at least as far from neutral as the title is, even if you are the opposite colour. (Example: the theory says that you can wear Honorable if you are at least, I believe Light III - don't quote me on that, it might be only Light II, but let's run with III for now - but you can also wear it if you are Dark III, IV or V. I haven't verified this.)

Because I just completed the starting flash points on each side with 1 character. My SW is tier 5 LS and he did the BT flash point LS and finished with the codex entry The Stewart.


Then I did it again same character, but this time BT flash point DS and got the codex entry The Merciless. Now I have both these codex entries that seem to contradict each other. And I still have the codex entry Pure so, the alignment points didn't undo anything.

You get the codex entries for alignment levels for reaching those levels, and they don't disappear once you get them. Stalwart and Merciless (er, one of the two Mercilesses, that is) are not alignment-related, but *action* related.


Also, Pure *is* an alignment codex entry, but again, you keep the codex entry even if you lose access to the title. Do not confuse the title with the codex entry you get for earning or otherwise acquiring the title.

Also my JK is tier 5 LS. He did the TE flash point and got the codex entry The Uncompromising. Then I redid DS and got the codex entry The Backstabber. So same deal here.

Yes, correct. The codex entries are rewarded along with (er, because of) the titles for *doing* that thing.

My DS choices didn't do anything to my LS alignment. My JK still has the codex entry Pure.


So I'm wondering if I could take this up a notch. Instead of just TE and BT flash point titles, would this be possible to have a character obtain both Pure and Malevolent titles at once?

Yes, although you could only wear one of them. If you want to do this, you'll have to *also* set your Dark/Light toggle (the red trapezoid with a dark symbol and a light symbol) to the alignment you want to become, or the points you earn because of it will totally crush any points you can earn for conversations.


After you get to Light V, you'll have 100K light and no dark points. When you switch the toggle to dark, you'll then accumulate dark points instead of light, and after you reack 100K light and 100K dark (=neutral), further dark points that you earn will reduce your total light score until you are zero light and 100K dark (=dark V).

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Thanks that's good to know. Another question: if i change alignment won't it lock me from changing back if I do it too many times?


Because some things are like that, you can't change much.

No. You can change the position of the toggle as much as you want, and go back and forth in effective alignment as much as you want. What you can't do is change decisions that you made previously. You are also free to make DS decisions with the toggle set to light, or vice versa, as much as you want as well. The points earned because of the toggle(1) will far outweigh anything you can get from conversation decisions.


(1) You get points dictated by the toggle for any of the following:

* Completing any mission.

* Completing any crew-skill mission (exception: Diplomacy behaves strangely, see below).

* Killing foes. Yes. Your paragon-of-the-light Jedi can gain Light points by slaughtering refugees.

* Hitting people with snowballs during the Life Day event and getting a Snow-covered Parcel counts as completing a mission.


Diplomacy. Oh dear. Before 5.0, the dark/light toggle didn't exist, and each Diplomacy mission offered some Light points or some Dark points, depending on the mission. Each mission *always* offered the same number of the same direction. The dark/light symbol on the mission reflected those points.


When 5.0 came out, they added the toggle and they added the dark/light symbol to all crew skill missions, reflecting the state of the toggle. They *also* changed Diplomacy's symbol to reflect the toggle instead of the mission's inherent dark/light points, *but* they left the inherent points on the missions. If you are set to Light, therefore, and you send a companion on a previously-Dark mission, you get some light points from the toggle *and* some dark points from the mission (both types, not the difference). If the mission is a critical success, you get twice as many inherent points as normal, and that will exceed the amount of toggle-sourced points.


It's a mess, for sure, but there's a way to avoid most of the weirdness. Point the mouse cursor at the alignment symbol on the mission you're looking at, and there's a tooltip that shows how many dark points and how many light points you'll get from an ordinary success. Don't pick the ones that give you both kinds of points.

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