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Revanite Master


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Just finished playing the Revanite storyline on DK for the millionth time and it got me curious about Tari Darkspanner (the Master at the time) and I began to read her page on Wookieepedia.

It contains certain lore I've not been able to find anywhere else, and I wonder if it's actually fan-fiction. Specifically her receiving visions from Revan to leave Dromund Kaas before the Dark Council agents could get to her.


This is the page in question


All I know is that she is an easter egg "mini-boss" on Yavin as "Lord Darkspanner" and between then and chatting with her in that tent in DK my mind draws a blank.


Also this thread can serve as a general discussion on the Revanites, it's something I kinda enjoy from the older Old Republic era even if they are not relevant anymore.

Also the link to the Developer blog article in there is really cool, wish they'd continue posting small lore tidbits in-character like that, would work really well with Onslaught.

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