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Need to know for sure?


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Hi all, I have been playing this game since beta. We celebrated the end of beta, than we had are early launch, then the rest of you had launch. In 8 years i only taken 3 months off in all that time and they weren't in a row neither.

Until this past summer. I played the last update story line before Onslaught and i took one of my toons, my main one through Onslaught. That was my Dark side toon, so i didnt see the Light side ending yet. But after i did complete that dark side ending, i havent done much since a couple other games i got has taken up my time. And *sighs* its hard to say this cause i never thought i would lose interest in this game after all this time. I love this game, i love the whole concept of this lore.


But never the less, i have, lose interest. I paid the last 2 months subs and besides those 3 months i took off, i mentioned there, these last 2 month now brings it up to 5 months in all, last 2 in a row. I cant keep paying for a game i am not playing. So as much as it pains me, I will be unsubbing. Its not for ever, but i do not know when i'll make it back. So i like to know, does it still stand that, the game or bioware will keep my toons and ALL MY STUFF longer than a year b4 deletion of all, or has it changed and i do not know that it did?


Any info from The devs or Some one that has inside scoop, would be Great. Thank you.


May the Force be With You All.

Take care & Be well....................

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To the best of my knowledge, unless they close the game, they won't delete anything, ever. There are recent stories of people who've been away for five or six years being unable to find their characters, but that may be a consequence of the account being hacked or something.


The only things you might lose are:

* Your own character names if they run another name unlock thing (last done in 2017, before that was 2013) or server merge (totally unlikely).

* Your guild, if you're currently leader and someone else gets autopromoted to leader as you leave.

* Your guild's name, if you are the sole member(1), and the guild is flagged as "inactive". At some point (possibly immediately) after the guild is flagged "inactive" (no member characters logged in duirng the last 28 days), the name is unlocked and *can* be taken by a new or renamed guild.


(1) Not strictly necessary, but it's likely that if someone else logs in after you suspend playing but before you're marked "inactive", you'll end up in the second case.

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I know i truly had no friends from my real life in this game. always been a loner. But i had fun with a bunch of you fine people over the years, and i would just like to say, Good bye For Now. See ya at a cantina on a near by Planet near you.


Don't take no wooden Light Sabers, you'll just get killed.


May the Force be with you All. a Little more for the Dark Side though...... :D


Take Care & Be Well..............



Special thanks to, BIOWARE and all the Devs....... Be well...........

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