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Data Cron Onderon


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The jumps percentage to get a key element to the game is not fun on Onderon for the Data Cron , extremely challenging and based off hrs and estimated jump times to get the data Cron on this planet in the south makes it down to 6% chance of completing meaning you can spend 2 hrs trying to jump to platform to platform with maybe 200 jumps and never make it , I do have all them but making certain achievements not fun to get and almost impossible without help isn't what I remember how data Crons were when getting them , the achievements made you feel (YES I DID IT) the new data crons make you feel like (F This ) ( I hate you ) (Why isn't my jump button working) (Thats it I quit) (Can't quit cause you need that Data Cron , but still hate it ) , these one have to be timed just right with no room for slight error or you start all over and over and over and over ..you get the picture , good luck out there cause I'm sure Swtor won't be making it easier
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