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Gathering and sell on GTN vs crafting?


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I am not sure if it is better for me to level three gathering skills (archaeology, bio-analysis, and scavenging) and sell everything on the GTN or to level a crafting skill. I am a very casual player so I only care about:


  • creating or buying armor that looks cool
  • creating or buying fun pets, toys, etc
  • creating or buying stronghold decorations


Should I just sell gathered materials and use the money to buy what I want on the GTN? Or are their items only crafters can get or make so I should pick a crafting skill that will give me unique armor looks or fun stronghold decorations?


Thanks for any advice.

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I am not sure if it is better for me to level three gathering skills (archaeology, bio-analysis, and scavenging) and sell everything on the GTN or to level a crafting skill. I am a very casual player so I only care about:


  • creating or buying armor that looks cool
  • creating or buying fun pets, toys, etc
  • creating or buying stronghold decorations


Should I just sell gathered materials and use the money to buy what I want on the GTN? Or are their items only crafters can get or make so I should pick a crafting skill that will give me unique armor looks or fun stronghold decorations?


Thanks for any advice.


Everything you could craft can also be bought, provided someone decides to offer it for sale. Were you to take the crafting route, you'd have more control over availability, but you'd also need to have more than one crafter in order to craft everything that's available in terms of armor and decorations. There are no pets or toys that can be crafted, so any of those you'd need to buy, but there are a few speeders that can be crafted. Ultimately it comes down to how much time you're willing to invest in crafting. If you don't mind spending the time (and credits) to raise your skill levels and learn the schematics (and possibly increase your companions' influence levels) then I'd say go with crafting, as that way you'll have what you want, when you want it, rather than having to hope someone else has made it and listed it for a price you consider to be reasonable.

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most crafted gear for appearance are pretty cheap, and if it's not on the gtn you can jjust ask around. In your case I would definitely recommend just harvesting/gathering/mission skills, which will easily pay for your crafted purchases.scavenging/archaeology/slicing(lockboxes especially) are in high demand
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