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I Love Corso Riggs


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I'm so into the whole Corso storyline thing that yesterday while playing and travelling for quite a long time to get to a mission in a new area of a map I heard him say the words I love - "Uhh, when you got a minute Captain I'd like to speak with you"


Stop travelling. Bind point back to ship.



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I heard him say the words I love - "Uhh, when you got a minute Captain I'd like to speak with you"


That is what keeps me coming back day after day... to hear those words... I'm constantly clicking on him in hopes of hearing those words so I can rush back to the ship and get further along in the storyline....


and yes, I talk to him too...


Corso: "Captain, do you ever think we're in over our heads?"


me: All the time, Corso, all the time.....


Even my daughter is now asking me "Mommy, where's Corso?!" when I had the misfortune to need to login to an alt.

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I'm so into the whole Corso storyline thing that yesterday while playing and travelling for quite a long time to get to a mission in a new area of a map I heard him say the words I love - "Uhh, when you got a minute Captain I'd like to speak with you"


Stop travelling. Bind point back to ship.




I do the same thing!! I can't concentrate on a mission when I see a chat bubble for him! :o


Get to the ship, and turn on Fraps and swooon.


I know there's a handful more of missions left for me....just a matter of unlocking them by leveling. :rolleyes:

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I heard him say the words I love - "Uhh, when you got a minute Captain I'd like to speak with you"


Stop travelling. Bind point back to ship.


i do that all the time. i mean, who cares if my ship is on the other end of the map, i only have a couple more mobs to kill to end this mission, and i failed to unlock any bindpoints/taxies in my current location? if Corso has something to say, i wanna hear it!


speaking of, it about kills me when that buggy icon pops up on his portrait, sending me lies, telling me he wants to talk when he really has nothing to say. >_< i keep clicking on him anyways. you know, just in case.

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Even my daughter is now asking me "Mommy, where's Corso?!" when I had the misfortune to need to login to an alt.


Thats right...train her young!


And I HATE the bug that shows that companions want to talk to you when they dont! There's nothing more disappointing than seeing a "Corso would like to speak to you aboard your ship" bubble (YAY!) then clicking on him and hearing "Don't know why you're looking at me, you're the one in charge." Dang it! A few hours/days/planets later "Corso would like to speak to you aboard your ship." WAHOOO! Click on him "Anything you want, Captain." Anything I want, Corso? Really? Anything? I want you to stop lying about when you want to talk to me, dang it!! Stop leading me on! I'm starting to get a complex...now go shoot that bad guy in the face.

Edited by LysandriaSW
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If you flirt with NPCs after the "Courting a Captain" mission does it eliminate future romance missions for the character? Not that I have a need to flirt other than Darling Corso, but I do want to see his jealous responses without him 'breaking up with me' :eek: Edited by Boosterdog
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If you flirt with NPCs after the "Courting a Captain" mission does it eliminate future romance missions for the character? Not that I have a need to flirt other than Darling Corso, but I do want to see his jealous responses without him 'breaking up with me' :eek:


Do the response you want then hit escape FAST before the cutscene ends and then redo it :p


You can see his response and not worry about losing affection... or him.



Happily Mrs Corso Riggs now... actually finished his quests at lvl 45, then finished my class questline at lvl 47, then finished corellia at level 48... so I'm all out of quests except dailies and still have a level to go!


But now Corso wants to buy a farm on Dantooine, sent me a letter about it all excited... why send me a letter just talk to me on the ship!


Really. Dantooine? Why not Alderaan dammit, you're the one always asking me when we can go to a nice world, yeesh!

Edited by silvershadows
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i know what you mean. sometimes i catch myself talking to him. then i am sadly reminded that he can't really talk back (unless you count right clicking on him talking back). i know, i know, i'm such a dork.


lmao - Add me to the dork club! I found myself talking to him last night as I was starting a mission, "Hey Corso, time to storm the prison. You & me against the army!" And then I go a few steps into the building and he says something like, "Nothing I like more than an Imperial prison break." I near about fell off my chair in happiness :D


Biggest dork moment: Once I got on board the ship, and all of a sudden Corso had a quest marker over his head. He'd never told me he wanted to talk!! So I had to actually *leave* the ship, and walk around a little just so I could hear him say he wanted to talk to me... in private. THEN I could go back into the ship, turn Fraps on, and esc out of the conversation a million times to hear all the responses :D

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Also, I ALWAYS talk to Corso. My fiance gets annoyed but who cares? I mean really Corso is just better than a real man anyway.


He loves me, wants to take care of me, would do anything for me, and when I'm annoyed at him I can just wave my hand and he goes off to sell all my grey crap for me.


I mean really. How awesome is that?

Edited by silvershadows
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Do the response you want then hit escape FAST before the cutscene ends and then redo it :p


You can see his response and not worry about losing affection... or him.



Happily Mrs Corso Riggs now... actually finished his quests at lvl 45, then finished my class questline at lvl 47, then finished corellia at level 48... so I'm all out of quests except dailies and still have a level to go!


But now Corso wants to buy a farm on Dantooine, sent me a letter about it all excited... why send me a letter just talk to me on the ship!


Really. Dantooine? Why not Alderaan dammit, you're the one always asking me when we can go to a nice world, yeesh!


Aldaaran has been my favorite world so far, it's so pretty! Maybe he can be talked into switching locations :D


And dammit, I hate having to work when I want to go run around space with Corso! I know I'm getting close to the final quests!


Also, I constantly use esc to see the other responses but not actually use them. Sometimes I use fraps & video the jealous response, then esc & do the good one :p

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Really. Dantooine? Why not Alderaan dammit, you're the one always asking me when we can go to a nice world, yeesh!


Funny that you mention Alderaan, cause I was running around with him just the other day on Alderaan and he told me if the war ever ended he'd like to retire there. Maybe you just can't take the farm out of the boy.

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/JAWDROP! Do you remember the name of that mission??


It is the VERY VERY last talk Corso has with you if you marry him. Think it was called "getting sentimental" or something.


It was followed up by the letter asking if I would buy the land on Dantooine :p

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so after finishing up all my Hoth missions, i went back to Balmora at level 42 to try Corso's level 45 mission again. passed with flying colors. i was PUMPED. beat that stupid quest, and now i could finally talk to my Corso again...........and then crap hit the fan.



you have NO IDEA just how AWFUL i felt about killing that old woman's husband! what a horrible misunderstanding! >_< and the poor dear was being such a trooper about the whole thing. if there was an option to let her keep her money, i would have gladly done so.



so Corso and i make my way back to my ship to leave Balmora. i knew i was gonna have a followup convo with him about the quest we just did, but this was the first time i really didn't feel like talking to him. i was that upset. however, i talked to him anyways. i don't know how he did it, but...that man cheered me up.



prolly because i picked the light side option to help the old woman out. i honestly couldn't pick the option to take double the money from that other guy cause i just felt so bad for what i did. and then in the follow up convo, Corso just bellows out, "I knew it! I knew you being only in it for the money was just a front!" try as i might, i couldn't stay sad with him encouraging me like he did.



immediately after that, he wanted to talk again.



i blinked a few times when i saw my smuggler act all shy when he told her that he loved her. and oh my gosh, when Corso snatched her up with one arm and started making out..... *melts*



and immediately after THAT, he pops the question. :D

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I'm a woman and I cannot stand Corso. My girlfriend hates him too. He just.. grates. I really like some of the other male romances (<3 Quinn <3) but I just cannot deal with him. Not pursuing. It's easy to be mean to him. We pejoratively refer to him as Cooter or Cletus (characters from the Dukes of Hazzard).


That said, I've been extremely fond of several characters that are often disliked in other games, even BioWare games. I adore Kaiden, Zaeed is the best character in ME2, and Sten is the most well rounded, deep, and open minded character in DA:O (despite people assuming the contrary, he's has his views but is always willing to wait and see if you can prove him wrong.. and appreciates it when you do).


So considering this, I'm glad you all are enjoying the character :)

Edited by Eleonora
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Now see, I would picture him more as a Bo or Luke. He's just a good ol' boy, never meaning no harm ;)


I seem to like the rather divisive Bioware characters, Alistair & Anders being the top two. They both have very vocal lovers & haters. And after DA2, Anders probably has more hate than love. I try to stay away from those debates. I also liked Kaiden, I think he gets a bad rap. And Sten too... although I wouldn't want to romance him. Actually, I loved pretty much all the DA:O characters.


I can't really speak to many of the other romances in swtor -- I started out with Corso and haven't been able to play another class long enough to get to a romance point. I miss having the farmboy around, he brings a smile to my face as I'm playing.


I keep hearing good things about Quinn, so maybe I'll try and level up on the Sith side inbetween all my smugglers.

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I keep hearing good things about Quinn, so maybe I'll try and level up on the Sith side inbetween all my smugglers.


I keep hearing that too! I'm hesitant since I just finished a sentinel though and I worry that leveling in between stories would be boring. Maybe someday...

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Just wondering how many of you play scoundrel? I have both but my gunslinger is highest level. Eventually want to level both but cant choose which one to level first.


I love having the option to heal and love the stealth option. Im only level 14 on my scoundrel and seems so confusing does it get any better later on with survivabilty and stuff?


Can anyone give me any advice?


I love corso and want to have the smuggler as my main but can't choose which AC to level first lol

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Just wondering how many of you play scoundrel? I have both but my gunslinger is highest level. Eventually want to level both but cant choose which one to level first.


I love having the option to heal and love the stealth option. Im only level 14 on my scoundrel and seems so confusing does it get any better later on with survivabilty and stuff?


Can anyone give me any advice?


I love corso and want to have the smuggler as my main but can't choose which AC to level first lol


I love Scoundrel and Corso is the companion that fits the Scoundrel play style best, in my opinion.


I don't remember when you get different abilities - but basically when you get Tranquilize, you stealth in, tranq one biological, back out to where you want to fight and select one of the ranged biologicals remaining, or the toughest one there, and tell Corso to attack. If there's a droid you disable one droid. Corso pulls to him the one you told him to, you get some heals on him to have Upper Hand, Blaster whip and Underworld Medicine to keep two Upper Hand up, and alternate Upper Hand stuff, other heals, and damage. I love Back Blast. It's so satisfying.

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