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If you think Marauder is weak...


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If you think the Marauder needs any kind of PVE survivability buff then watch this video.

If you think it's underpowered, then watch this video.



video of a 31 Marauder w/Quinn easily killing a 34 Elite mob on Taris.

Seriously people, stop the QQ about the class,it's not broken.


You beat an elite mob with the sith warrior's best companion. Congratulations?


You obviously haven't been to areas 40+ where you pretty much HAVE to use quinn if you don't want to get steamrolled.


Having to rely on one companion just to finish your class quest is a massive oversight. The secret base in corellia is a nightmare with any other companion besides quinn.

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You beat an elite mob with the sith warrior's best companion. Congratulations?


You obviously haven't been to areas 40+ where you pretty much HAVE to use quinn if you don't want to get steamrolled.


Having to rely on one companion just to finish your class quest is a massive oversight. The secret base in corellia is a nightmare with any other companion besides quinn.


Oh and for the record, I just now beat the Class quest where you had to face General Faraier (sp?) and get Pierce.. that elite is level 35 and I'm still level 31.

Can't use Quinn in that fight, have to use Jaesa.


Marauder is a beast if played right, too bad 60% of the people QQing on these forums can't see that.

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This explains alot...you are not high enough level to know the pains of the class.




MInd you it is alot better now that I spec out of carnage, even though I really love that spec. I'm pretty much force to not use it in the 40+.




Why can't people just admit that this class has issues? It's not a skill thing, this class just is not very balance, heck even the devs forget us in the darkside vendors. So eh

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This explains alot...you are not high enough level to know the pains of the class.




MInd you it is alot better now that I spec out of carnage, even though I really love that spec. I'm pretty much force to not use it in the 40+.




Why can't people just admit that this class has issues? It's not a skill thing, this class just is not very balance, heck even the devs forget us in the darkside vendors. So eh




See, the thing is, you people keep changing at which level this class gets difficult.


"Oh it gets really hard in the teens."

But I'm in the teens, see: <insert pic>

"Oh, it gets really hard in the 20s."

I'm level 27...

"It gets hard on Taris and above."

I just beat Taris and had no trouble.

"It's because you're not 40 yet and don't understand the class' woes."



What the hell are you going to say when someone is 50?

"You're in raid gear, that's why it's not hard for you."

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You obviously haven't been to areas 40+ where you pretty much HAVE to use quinn if you don't want to get steamrolled.


I just finished Belsavis (sp?) and I didn't use Quinn once. I died a few more times than I would've liked, (less than a dozen?) but I blame that, not on the badness of the class, but me screwing up my rotation and not reacting the right way in certain situations.


Also, I can't not click for anything past 6.. It aggravates me.:confused:

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See, the thing is, you people keep changing at which level this class gets difficult.


"Oh it gets really hard in the teens."

But I'm in the teens, see: <insert pic>

"Oh, it gets really hard in the 20s."

I'm level 27...

"It gets hard on Taris and above."

I just beat Taris and had no trouble.

"It's because you're not 40 yet and don't understand the class' woes."



What the hell are you going to say when someone is 50?

"You're in raid gear, that's why it's not hard for you."


Most people do have that much trouble as carnage spec. Don't you people understand that? Carnage blows, and the play style is fun. So while you guys say. "Oh this class is easy you need to l2p" its because you are using a face roll spec compare to carnage.

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I kill most Elitemobs half asleep, you have a ton of cooldowns for that on max. 3 mins cd, the problem is your basic average trashgrp of 3-4 opponents, maybe a strong one with them. Have fn running round on ilum wihtout Quinn doing your dailes with 11k HP, when the silver portrait Talz stuns you for 3 seconds while he and his friends dish out 500-1,5k dps each on you every second. You get stuff killed, yeah, it just takes a much bigger effort than with most other classes, that's the problem, some people just don't get it.. Edited by Arzhanin
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And here we go ladies and gentlemen, the game is out but a few weeks and the wining commences. "The class is too weak" that one is "overpowered" and the other one is "broken".


Instead of playing to the strengths of the toon and working up strats to deal with the weakness' it is much easier to whine and complain loudly. And with a bit of luck some sensitive happy go lucky developer will feel your pain and go about making changes to the class and the game as a whole so you don't have to think or work at all.


Hey it worked for Blizzard and WoW so why not here right?


This game is exciting and fun to play. It has challenges and you have to THINK about the choices you make much like other MMORPGs in their infancy. But then the lazy arrive and cry and ***** and moan until the game gets dumbed down to the point of retardation.


For those of you who think the class is weak I suggest to you trying to play it a bit longer than a few weeks before screaming for changes.


See you in the Warzones.



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I kill most Elitemobs half asleep, you have a ton of cooldowns for that on max. 3 mins cd, the problem is your basic average trashgrp of 3-4 opponents, maybe a strong one with them. Have fn running round on ilum wihtout Quinn doing your dailes with 11k HP, when the silver portrait Talz stuns you for 3 seconds while he and his friends dish out 500-1,5k dps each on you every second. You get stuff killed, yeah, it just takes a much bigger effort than with most other classes, that's the problem, some people just don't get it..


You obviously haven't been reading the other posts where people think this class sucks and can't kill anything even in the 20's.

No matter how many people tell them the class is fine, they dont' believe it.

So I made a video with proof, that's all.

Edited by Arzhanin
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No offence but you sorta miss the point, no one is saying its impossible to kill elites, most people are having problems with killing groups of enemys which the game throws at you constantly. Marauder has trouble sustaining damage from multiple enemys and surviving, a video of you killing one elite isnt going to change anyones mind. And yes the clicking is bad, and yes it will effect your playstyle especially in PVP. Edited by VALDOMINOR
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No offence but you sorta miss the point, no one is saying its impossible to kill elites, most people are having problems with killing groups of enemys which the game throws at you constantly. Marauder has trouble sustaining damage from multiple enemys and surviving, a video of you killing one elite isnt going to change anyones mind. And yes the clicking is bad, and yes it will effect your playstyle especially in PVP.


Groups of mobs are even easier! I took down 5 level 35 mobs on that very same 31 toon just last night.


Clicking has zero affect on my playstyle.. and I don't pvp.

And besides.... who cares?

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I initially leveled my Marauder Carni spec, and I died a lot. Once I switched to Anni spec elites started dropping like like flies. It's all a question of specking Carni is the pvp spec, but for leveling you're better of with Anni's bleeds and stacks of Juyo. Or here is a thought get biochem and bio-analysis as your jobs. You can even spec to where your crit bleeds heal you and add Beserk to the mix and you have a decent life regen.
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people will always look for things to cry about even after proven wrong.


BUT BUT BUT WE SAID A GROUP OF ENEMIES NOT ONE ELITE. If you guys actually read the other qq posts there are NUMEROUS accusations that marauder cannot kill elites above level EVEN AT THE LEVEL THE OP POSTED.

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Any other class could of took that mob down in half the time.


I hope OP realizes that 1-40 is ez mode for any class and the mobs get insanely hard ~45+. There are 'strong' mobs who hit my marauder for 1k dmg a piece. You have to do an amazing amount of parkour / kiting to kill them and pray to god quin doesnt bug out.

Edited by strickenx
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I'm only 21 with marauder...


So, far I have been fairly happy with Marauder. I'm not a monster able to solo 2 elites, or a champion... only have vette. I can fight groups with normals and strongs..I do fine.


As far as judging it weak? Idk. I would like that the adv. class would do more than just "DPS". for juggernaut is says "tank/dps", BH says tank/dps or heal/dps. Where am I trying to go with this statement?


I would like to see Marauder, sniper, sentinel and gunslinger have an "additional" option. Such as...in the case of Marauder. DPS/tank? or DPS/buff? would be nice to bring something extra to the table. a hots tree? dots tree, burst tree would be nice. or could be something extra as in a buff option. To be honest though, as long as I'm not passed up in groups for being "less desirable than a BH merc or operative I won't feel totally useless.


I do have to say that I did Hammerstaino as SI healign with 2 bounty hunters and 1 mako and it was cake (in beta). In live I did hammerstation with juggernaut, marauder and sorcerer..wipe central. couldn't keep it going. finally 5th attempt we got it. Sure I could be in a more "suck group" but these were MMO vets I played in live and in beta we are talking a pug with no communication are 2 BH better party than 2 sith warriors?

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