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What outfits are most popular on the Galactic Trade Network?


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Hello, am looking to sell some outfits on the trade network for credits, but ain't sure which outfits would be in most demand and am hoping to get some ideas from the swtor community on what outfits are most wanted on the GTN. Like what outfits would sell fast for lots of creds or sell for lots of creds, but may take a lil longer. Thanks lads!:confused:
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- Put whatever outfits you're looking to sell in your inventory.

- Open the GTN

- Shift- Left Click an item. It will automatically fill in the Search field with the name of the item.

- Hit Search


You'll then see the prices those sets go for on the GTN.


If something doesn't have a listing or isn't being sold maybe just hold on to that item until there is a listing so that you can get a better idea of what it sells for.

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Just to add, even if say, the gloves aren't being sold, you can look for other pieces in the same set to get an idea of the total set value.


This is sometimes true, but not with many of the valuable sets. Most have a specific piece that other GTN raiders can't wait to snatch up for a low price.


Satele Shan boots, revealing bodysuit legs, and pretty much every chestpiece and headpiece generally sells for WAY more than the other pieces.

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