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The advance class respec...


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We've all seen thread after thread, of players asking for the option to change their advanced class. Now I don't think anyone really expects the development team to add this (I'm sure they have many reasons why) but I think I have an idea that could work. It's not a PAINLESS idea... but it's at least "an idea". I'll use my assassin to demonstrate...


The "Restart token"..

Purchased from the Cartel Market. When used,the player is prompted to choose (in this case) Assassin if I wanted to play through the story again with that character OR Sorcerer if I wanted to change my advance class.I make my choice and find myself flying to Korriban to start Harkun's verbal abuse all over again.(Maybe I'll let him live this time?)


What do I loose??..

All items on my person are removed and sent to my restarted character via email. I don't have the level to use them, so I'll just leave them there for now. The emails sent to my new characters are re sent because I'm starting over. All cargo hold items are unavailable because I don't have a ship anymore, but WILL be in cargo when I do get my ship back.Most companions are lost but all relationships reset to zero. Dark side/Light side point of course are also reset. My story companions are all lost but thats because I need to meet them again in the story.


Why would I do this? What do I keep?...

Special companions (in my case Shae Viizla) are available by email like any other new character I may create. Special companions earned like HK-51 for example, or purchased like Treek are NOT lost, but still reset to zero like you just met and reset to default gear so be sure to place any items you want to keep in your cargo hold (Remember, I'm restarting so they don't have the level to use that gear anymore).Now I get the restart or advanced class change I wanted, and don't need to worry about name availability like a new character or after any possible server merger type issues because this character is restarted.. not new. I still have my high level gear in cargo, I just can't use it until I level up.


So there it is.. like I said, it's not painless, but it's an idea.

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