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Cancelling deconstruction too late can lock out mouse ui until client restart.


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I was deconstructing items while in the corellia flashpoint (imp side). I cancelled current deconstruction very late in the progress bar. Items (green shirt, boots and wrist armor) where stuck in the deconstruction window and could not be removed.


Pressed ctrl + U twice to reset the UI, and they disappeared from the deconstruction window but now I could not use the right mouse to interact with anything in the 3d space. Loot icon would appear on dead bodies but nothing would open on right click. I could not use vendors or interactive buttons. Reset ui did not fix it, logging out and back in did not fix it. Switching character did not fix it.


When I logged in another character their mouse would change icon based on interactive objects beneath it, but I could not click. Keyboard shortcuts did open windows like player inventory, I can move items around, wear and remove gear but I cannot right click in the game space.


Restarting the client fixed it.

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