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Leveling an alt once you've seen the class story (several times)


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Are there any tricks you guys use when you are leveling a new alt and you've seen the 1-60 class story a dozen times? I just finished taking a sniper to level 65 and I think it is not for me so I want to get an Operative to 65 and see if I like it - but I am not into seeing the exact same story again.


Do you just space bar through it? Level up through Heroics and then do the story when overleveld so it goes quickly? Use any cartel or legacy unlocks to jump around more quickly? Skip planet quests? Do all the planet quests? Thanks for any advice.


I am a subscriber and my legacy level is 50 if that helps decide on advice.


Thanks again.

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I don't spacebar unless I don't care for the quest. I usually do everything , all the side quest, all the planet story, all the heroics . The only thing I skip are flashpoint and only do those on my main which are the highest .


It may sound crazy, but it just a matter of pacing yourself . Or you get a burnout .


And sometimes I stop playing if I find there are too many idiots who won't wait for their turn....I either switch instance and avoid them. Or go play another ALt...or go do something in the house and play later .


But I don't play as much as I did a couple of years ago lol but yeah, pace yourself mostly.


And if you skip stuff , which I do sometimes........don't feel bad or anything. You can always go back and do them when you are bored .

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Well, you know, there are tokens you can buy that let you start a new character at level 60 or 65 (or maybe, 70 now). There's also some sort of item (datacron?) that let's you take a normal character directly to level 70.

But when it comes to levelling characters from level 1, I recently made a new Guardian. I used XP boosts and the Pioneer armor set (XP boost).

As soon as I was able, I grouped for Veteran FPs in group finder. (I was already familiar with them, so even at level 17, they went just fine.)

I spacebarred through most of the story - I'd already seen it.

Very early on - 2 or 3 planets after Coruscant - I skipped ahead to Makeb, did a bit there and then skipped to KOTFE. I finished KOTFE, but then I skipped KOTET and went straight to Ossus.


EDIT - note that doing this caused a bunch of auto-complete choices that would have impacted some things such as which companions the character now has available. The character has 2 level 50 companions - Nico for ranged, Kira for melee - so that's not a problem.

Edited by JediQuaker
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Are there any tricks you guys use when you are leveling a new alt and you've seen the 1-60 class story a dozen times? I just finished taking a sniper to level 65 and I think it is not for me so I want to get an Operative to 65 and see if I like it - but I am not into seeing the exact same story again.

If you don't want to see exactly the same story, try something different, such as:

* Play Scoundrel on the Republic side. It's the same gameplay as Operative, but plays the Smuggler story instead of the Agent story.

* Play Operative, but play the story differently to the way you played it before.


The Agent story is one of the best for playing differently, but in almost all of them, you can try variations like:

* Try hard to save people, preserve their dignity, and generally do right by them, instead of being a black-hearted murderer.

* Be a black-hearted murderer instead of trying to save people, etc. (Operative is good for this, because you will spend much of your combat experience cackling as you gut people with an eighteen-inch knife.)

* Be cold and calculating rather than either of those extremes.

* Romance Kaliyo Djannis instead of Raina Temple, or Raina Temple instead of Kailyo Djannis. Or play the opposite sex and romance Vector instead of one of the women, or romance one of the women instead of Vector.

I am a subscriber and my legacy level is 50 if that helps decide on advice.

It doesn't actually change much in the advice. (And obviously you're a subscriber. Non-subscribers can't post on these forums.)

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The "Class Story" is just 1 - 50, not 1 - 60. Rise of the Hutt Cartel, the Makeb story, which has almost no class-based differences and not many more faction-based ones, was the original 50 - 55 story. Shadow of Revan is the 55 - 60 story, though like Makeb, it's basically the same story for every class and both factions. But it does have some class-specific little side missions at one point.


With the changes to the xp curve for leveling, and increased xp gains for story missions, it's quite easy to get well beyond level 60 (or now, even beyond 70) before finishing the Class Story, without doing much other than the story, especially if you "boost" your xp gains with items or unlocks:


From time to time you will get +25% xp boost items as mission rewards as you go through the Class Story.*

You can get up to +15% xp if you are in a guild with a high enough guild level.

"Rested" xp will give you double xp for kills.**

The xp bonus armor can give you up to +50% xp if you equip the full set. (AFAIK, the xp armor is only available to players who completed a specific "level" of the DvL event a few years back).

You can unlock (per character) boosts in your Legacy window for up to +30% xp for various "types" of xp (Class Missions, exploration, warzones, space missions, etc.), if you do that stuff.

There are also boost items for pretty much all of the special "types" of xp boosts you can unlock through your Legacy, though you can only have a boost from one item active at any one time.***

And let's not forget the double xp events that happen from time to time.****


Combine enough of these, and it's easy to hit the level cap long before you finish the original 1 - 50 Class Story.


Or, as mentioned, you can start a "boosted" character to start at level 60 or 70 (no start at 65 option anymore) and skip directly to KotFE (60) or Onslaught (70) with all the prior "story" content auto-completed for you. This will lock you out of "romance" options with your companions, and choose which companions you "save" at certain story points. And it will keep you from completing class story achievements, and lock you out of getting certain story-related titles for your character, any of which may or may not matter to you.



*In the past, I have leveled up fast enough that most of my characters hit max level before they stop getting these "complimentary" xp boost items as mission rewards. But I saved them, and now I can level my 70's up to 75, and get back on the Galactic Command, er, Reknown, treadmill even faster.

**If you're wanting to level up as quickly as possible, "rested" xp probably won't be a major factor, since it requires you to log off your character, preferably in a "rest area", for days or weeks at a time, to build up a significant amount.


***These are fairly common drops from Cartel Crates, or you can buy them on the GTN, or directly from the Cartel Market (though I think that last, especially, would be a waste of money).


****As with "rested" xp, if your goal is to level up your character as quickly as possible, you probably don't want to wait around for weeks or months for a double xp event to come around.

Edited by Adric_the_Red
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If you just want to get to max level you don't really have to do the story.

Would generally recommend doing the first two planets, so you get your ship and can accept summons.

You only really "need" to do first planet till you hit level 10 I think.

It's entirely possible to level just doing heroics, fp or pvp.

But doing the class story gives you those xp boosts and you'll get all your class companions.

As long as you don't start kotfe, kotet, ossus or onderon you won't be locked out of your class story, if you haven't finished it yet.

So you can come back to it anytime, even at max level.

If you want to level doing class story, there are things that can make it a bit different like others mentioned.

You can pick different dialoge option, if you played darkside agent you can try lightside or the other way around.

If you played female agent try a male one.

You can try a different romance option, or just choose every romance option offered :)

For agents I personally like to design different undercover outfits for the different planets and like one official agent uniform for HQ.

And if you are still bored, you can always dress up your companion in ridiculous outfits and giggle when you see them in cutscenes.:D

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If you just want to get to max level you don't really have to do the story.

Would generally recommend doing the first two planets, so you get your ship and can accept summons.

You only really "need" to do first planet till you hit level 10 I think.

Getting your personal starship is gated by story progress, not level, so if you're starting at level 1, you do need to complete your class story on your starter planet, and also complete it on your faction's capital planet to get your ship.


If you use one of the "shortcuts" to either start a new character at level 60 or 70 (Commander's Character Token), or boost an existing character to 70 (Master's Datacron and Equipment), those will also grant you your ship.

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