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(Post KOTET, pre-Onslaught spoilers) Question about the Alliance fleet


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You got me curious, so I looked at the Wookiepedia here: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Eternal_Fleet


It say if my english is right lol that it destroyed the eternal fleet. But not the fleet we see in Onslaught. Those aren't part of the eternal Fleet that Valk was using. They looked like just ships like the ones the repb and Empire been using in ages.


They could've brough more too. Outside of the Empire and the Repb, there are probably sellers of ships ?


We did steal lot of money (we never got any of that boohoo) from Arcann in a chapter. Maybe the money was used to get those ships ?

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I imagine most ex-pub/imp forces rejoined their home factions

That's pure (and, I think, unjustified) speculation. Pubsiders keep Admiral Aygo, and the Alliance forces seem pretty willing to be loyal to him (and through him, to you), while Impsiders get an ex-Imp to replace him, one that Aygo recommended, so I'm guessing the same thing applies there.

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That's pure (and, I think, unjustified) speculation. Pubsiders keep Admiral Aygo, and the Alliance forces seem pretty willing to be loyal to him (and through him, to you), while Impsiders get an ex-Imp to replace him, one that Aygo recommended, so I'm guessing the same thing applies there.


What's so unjustified about it? The original purpose of Alliance was to fight Zakuul. That purpose was fulfilled. Why would people stay? Especially after you lost Gravestone and Eternal Fleet. Especially people from Republic if you supported Empire and vica versa. If anything, the situation with Aygo clearly shows that people in your Alliance will not blindly follow you whatever you do.

Edited by Gelious
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What's so unjustified about it? The original purpose of Alliance was to fight Zakuul. That purpose was fulfilled. Why would people stay? Especially after you lost Gravestone and Eternal Fleet. Especially people from Republic if you supported Empire and vica versa. If anything, the situation with Aygo clearly shows that people in your Alliance will not blindly follow you whatever you do.

That's a fair question, although I would ask that you recognise that it's a question about my opinion (the key words being, "I think"), not about a concrete fact.


What follows is my opinion, no more and no less.


They followed the Commander initially because of a wish to fight Zakuul, as you noted. It seems to me, though, that even if some left (even among companions, some don't stay, e.g. Talos Drellik recruited by a Pubsider), there's a core of people who have transferred their loyalty to the Alliance, or maybe to the commander (that's unclear), and those people have stayed with the Alliance.


The writers have written the scenario in a way that means that the Alliance has retained a fleet of ex-Pub and ex-Imp ships and a set of accompanying forces, for sure, so in the end, the question of whose opinion is better-aligned with the scenario is slightly moot.

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