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Technically a bug report, but also not?


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There any chance pushing into 6.0 could we get dev time on fixing already existing bugs.

Apologies if this isn't the place to write this for live bugs, but honestly they've been ignored for ages.

Was hoping here would snag attention, please no remove :( (They're all combat related)




  • First off, commando net does NOT work like Mercenary net. The community isn't joking when we say this.
    Something is seriously wrong when Mad dash will ignore a merc net but still catch a mando net.
    Same goes for sometimes rolling, doesn't make sense.
    Either mad dash and roll has become a bit buggy or the damage types of the nets are different?
  • Another point, could we get some consistency with mad dash? It used to absorb a lot of stuff, now i'm still
    getting hit by things like Furious strike through mad dash, this is just a huge example that shouldn't happen.
  • As for more inconsistency, saber ward has been... rather off. Both Juggernaut and marauder, i'm more than certain somethings wrong here. I've been hit by a 30k maul with saber turning, which is 100% defense chance against melee and ranged.
  • I wish the inconsistency stopped there, but deflection is nearly useless during a hard stun and evasion has been notorious for being useless during stun, is this rather intentional or just overlooked.
  • Another unique interaction as operative players combining holotraverse and roll (rarely happens) you will get your movement really messed up and animations will stop working.. I have never seen it before until using these together, I don't know if it can be fixed but. I WILL tell you, adding holotraverse and phantomstride to GCD has fixed nothing, just made both classes a bit more clunky. Still run into instant deaths.
  • This one personally annoys me, I don't know if it's a bug or intended but any light shed on it would be great.
    Seemingly when you use an AoE in this game it goes off normally right? But when someone uses a knockback, even if its after you activating the AoE the time taken for the AoE to land you're already in the air. The knockback seems to take priority and takes less time to go off. It's far too often that my AoE's end up being in the middle of the air, I assume it's not intentional but I honestly don't know. Could knockback have a slightly longer animation or just AoE damage ticks go off faster with same animation? Looking only at nontargeted aoe's like searing wave, vengful slam, and smash.
  • PT/VG leap nearly never works, goes on cooldown nothing happens or sometimes it'll lag slingshot you across the map..
  • This one is less so a bug but more so become harder to notice with all the new flashy abilities. Shroud is hard to notice majority of the time if not just doesn't show animation as long as it should or you get false positive due to ultra/with bloom on. There any chance this could glow another color or just make it more visible.
  • Slows that are stronger than 25% negatively impact movement abilities greatly. Like 75% slow for 15seconds really mess up all leaps, mad dashes, rolls and intercedes?.. Why? Is this intentional? This is how leap makes people fall through the map a good amount of time. Also intercedes putting you inside buildings and walls.
  • Priming shot and mag shot are delayed animations, it causes a lot of issues. Is there any reason for making these such delayed abilities or not? It causes more problems than it makes sense.
  • This one I find tiny but still nonetheless makes zero sense. Damaging a tank and it coming up with negative numbers? Very confusing, doing damage to them is healing them or are we just losing that much off of what we'd hit? Any idea on fixing this?



Granted for all of this, I am not saying the abilities are fundamentally broken, but I feel like they should either be looked at or cleared up about how they're supposed to work.


If anyone has more to add to this list that are potentially broken/not working right please do add to the list.

I hope at least something gets fixed or some things get more defined on how they are to work.


thank you for reading.


(PS. Can we get actual working alacrity scaling, the rounding up or down at only certain thresh holds is pretty lame. Each point should make a difference, not just within the next gcd thresh hold. Rounding up/down happens incorrectly as the number gets cut off in length.)

Edited by Beyrahl
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10/10. Can confirm all.

Now seems like the perfect time to make some of these fixes that have been lingering around for so long.

Last thing any returning players would want is to get excited to play in a new expansion only to find combat bugs still exist from when they left.

Thanks for taking the time to write all these out.

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  • Another point, could we get some consistency with mad dash? It used to absorb a lot of stuff, now i'm still
    getting hit by things like Furious strike through mad dash, this is just a huge example that shouldn't happen.
    Mad dash is just a 100% Percent Increase in defence+ resist, so technically everyone running more than 105% Accuray can sometimes hit you while mad dashing.

  • As for more inconsistency, saber ward has been... rather off. Both Juggernaut and marauder, i'm more than certain somethings wrong here. I've been hit by a 30k maul with saber turning, which is 100% defense chance against melee and ranged.
    This on the other hand should not happen, because the 100% under blade turning is added on top of the normal 50% from saberward.
  • I wish the inconsistency stopped there, but deflection is nearly useless during a hard stun and evasion has been notorious for being useless during stun, is this rather intentional or just overlooked.
    It´s intentional, you can´t defend anything while stunned. So if you do brontes and use a meele range def in the burn, use a stun break. Otherwise it will do nothing.
  • PT/VG leap nearly never works, goes on cooldown nothing happens or sometimes it'll lag slingshot you across the map..
    What to say about this... it´s a feature, not a bug xD


Just my 2 cents

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You have 100% defense chance with mad dash, you already have base defense chance so that still doesn't make full sense.

You hit 105% chance, meaning if someone has 110% they have a 5% chance to hit you, 5%. That's if they have 110%

and aren't debuffed by -5% by a tank. Which most cases will be a thing. Odds are very slim for it to just be this imo.


As for brontes, typically pve is quite a bit different than PvP but. In the tooltip there's nothing like this does not work while stunned. I do mention inconsistency when I brought this up. Logically it makes sense, but is that really how it's meant to work. It does not say that in the tooltip so at least some clarification if it's meant to be that way would be great yeah?

Edited by Beyrahl
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