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How tanky are pvp tanks?


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My Mercenary feels too squishy and static, like some kind of robe wearing, Nancy wizard. Rather than wait for an AC switch that might never come, I guess I'm going to reroll Powertech but I specifically had some questions about Shieldtech first.


1. As a full tank spec, can I survive an Operative's backstab spam long enough to get back on my feet and do something about it?


2. How unbeatable is a guarded healer and tank duo? Shieldtech + Bodyguard.


3. What happens to Guard when you leave the 15m range, does it vanish and need to be recasted again?


4. Does a low level tank's defense bolster well in warzones or will I be squishy as hell regardless until I get 50 gear?



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My Mercenary feels too squishy and static, like some kind of robe wearing, Nancy wizard. Rather than wait for an AC switch that might never come, I guess I'm going to reroll Powertech but I specifically had some questions about Shieldtech first.


1. As a full tank spec, can I survive an Operative's backstab spam long enough to get back on my feet and do something about it?


2. How unbeatable is a guarded healer and tank duo? Shieldtech + Bodyguard.


3. What happens to Guard when you leave the 15m range, does it vanish and need to be recasted again?


4. Does a low level tank's defense bolster well in warzones or will I be squishy as hell regardless until I get 50 gear?




1. If you're smart and if you keep your heals handy. A little luck never hurts either.


2. How good are you at the game? If you can guard/taunt effectlively on top of doing sufficient damage, and the healer can restore your faith in miracles, you'll do fine.


3. I'm not sure. I always remove and recast, personally.


4. Against 50s? You might as well be an advance prototype. If you're less than lvl39, you're missing out on 10% shield chance which, whether you want to admit it or not, is a significant defense boost. PVP bolster only does so much. At level 50 you'd have all your tools, including some pleasant damage boosts and an additional 2% dmg reduction (if you choose to take it) from the other trees.

Edited by BlazingShadow
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Thanks for the answers, one more. Assuming both opponents are of equal skill, how do Shieldtechs fair 1v1 in general?


Meh. Depends on the opponent.


Armor doesn't account for a heck of a lot in this game. Most classes have a way of mitigating their loss of damage with talents and abilities or entirely avoiding your armor due to their damage type. The best part about shieldtech is the 5% flat damage mitigation provided by Ion cylinder, you can always count on that.


I would seriously recommend not going any further than Jetcharge in ST and trying to pick up more damage from the other trees. Heat Blast isn't all that great in PvE and flat out sucks in PvP. Doing this has upped the success of my 1v1 considerably, but I still find myself struggling against healers with half a brain and classes that bypass a considerable amount of my armor.



Guard can certainly turn the tide in games, more likely if you PvP with friends or are in a game that happens to have a decently coordinated premade on your side. In a typical disorganized complete pug team it can be helpful, but more often than not you'll just find yourself taking damage for 2 people without heals so that whoever you guarded can accomplish nothing. Pretty depressing. I usually try a guard or two on my first couple of lives but by a couple minutes in I know whether or not it is worth wasting the time on Guard or if I should just spam taunts and be useful with interrupts.


Guard has a really complicated relationship with PvP. It allows you to be support, but require twice as much support in the process. When it works, it works phenomenally. Guard a good healer and the two of you will become death: destroyer of worlds.


When it doesn't work, you're left with an inefficient spec and cylinder with nothing to show for it. Being a protection score whore in these situations will earn you medals, but they aren't going to affect the outcome of the game significantly.


In those situations you'll still find yourself tough as hell to kill for Knights/Warriors and other classes that focus on Energy/Kinetic damage, including Agents who don't have Acid Blade and mercs/troopers if you can keep your armor debuff stacks low. You'll also have Jet Charge and Grapple which can be very helpful in Huttball (you're imperial, Huttball matters more than the other WZs). If you have even a little bit of support you can be the second best Huttball carrier next to a Guardian/Juggernaut and sometimes a better endzone defender (when grapple works).



TL;DR -- 1v1 is dependent on your opponent's damage type. Shields help but stacking them kills damage. Damage helps, but stacking it reduces survivability. Going one way or the other will help against different opponents. You have some ways to be useful outside of an ideal Guard situation in a team environment.

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My Mercenary feels too squishy and static, like some kind of robe wearing, Nancy wizard. Rather than wait for an AC switch that might never come, I guess I'm going to reroll Powertech but I specifically had some questions about Shieldtech first.


1. As a full tank spec, can I survive an Operative's backstab spam long enough to get back on my feet and do something about it?


Definitely yes, you can even turn around, Stun him and have a chance at taking him down before he cloaks away.


2. How unbeatable is a guarded healer and tank duo? Shieldtech + Bodyguard.


Pretty darn good if you two are on Vent and decently skilled.


3. What happens to Guard when you leave the 15m range, does it vanish and need to be recasted again?


It always stays on unless you or your guarded target dies, it just doesn't work if you two are too far from each other.


4. Does a low level tank's defense bolster well in warzones or will I be squishy as hell regardless until I get 50 gear?


It does pretty well, but it will get better later on just because of your talents.




Answers in red. :)

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More thanks. What do you think would be more advantageous to a warzone group, a Bodyguard healing an Arsenal nuking enimes or a Shieldtech guarding a Bodyguard healing everyone else?


if there is no healing, then the Bodyguard Merc. If there is healing, then the Shieldtech guarding him.


Healing is a combat multiplier. Keeping a healer alive is therefore, also a combat multiplier.


Hell hath no fury like a tank/guarded healer combo.


If you are going to be PvPing solo then the healing merc will generally provide more success to a group than a Tank. A tank with no worthy targets to guard is a fish out of water. You do get Jet Charge however, which is an awful lot of fun and makes for a decent Huttball carrier.


Depending on how Imps hold up on your server however it might be better for your sanity to go Arsenal and then proceed to care less about wins/losses and more about big pretty numbers.

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