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Deco: Temple Sconce has changed color and amount of light cast


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This must have come down in the most recent patch because I didn't notice the issue before today when I went into my Yavin and Rishi strongholds to add some of the new decos from Dantooine. The Temple Sconce decoration used to shed a lovely, warm color of light spreading mostly up and down from the sconce itself:


Example from my Rishi stronghold prior to the change: https://i.imgur.com/03eRu2j.png


Now for some reason, you have changed the sconce to put out a dingy yellow sort of lighting, the kind you'd find in a poorly-maintained parking garage in a bad part of town. The light radius now spreads more out along the sides as well and doesn't taper off as it did before.


Example from the same stronghold wall as it looks today: https://i.imgur.com/eP2RXSg.png


This may seem like a small thing, but the Temple Sconce has always been by far one of the best wall-mounted lights around, and it features heavily in several of my strongholds. All those rooms now look awful in the dull, flat yellow lighting. There was no reason to make this change. I'm hoping it wasn't intentional, since it wasn't in the patch notes. Please fix this ASAP.

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Just wanted to bump this to confirm that I'm seeing the same effect. I'm not sure if this is a bug or a symptom of a bigger behind-the-scenes change, but if it's at all possible I would love to see the lighting effect on this deco reverted to what it has been for years. As the OP demonstrated, it actually makes a pretty significant difference in how this deco displays, noticeable even more in the live environment than in screencaps. Lighting effects on decos are pretty poor in general, and this deco had a uniquely rich color-glow, I'd be sad to see it lost forever. :(
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