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Remove that stupid unlock button on quickbars


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23 hours ago, Dayshadow said:

There needs to be an option to lock the bar completely while in combat.  When in combat those buttons should be disabled; the ability bar lock and the UI dropdown too. People saying he should just lock it don't seem to understand how it works. I'm sure he does lock it. The issue is in the middle of a fight he is unintentionally unlocking it which then leads to all these abilities getting messed up mid fight. Another issue I've found is hitting the dropdown for UI settings. I click, but I use a controller for movement and targeting. 

An automatic lock on combat i could agree. But let's wait for the new dev management to settle first. Because if done by BW, they will not test properly, instead of a 'lock in' will make it  an 'unlock in combat' and everything will be 1000 times worst.

In the meantime, the workaround is easy, just don't place combar abilities near the unlock button. The UI customization is fantastic in this game, just place the main bar away of your core combar click zone.

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