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racing / pod racing / swoop racing - events


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lets say you have season, like in pvp, but you have it as an event, where the race track moves around planets... but you could interleave it by every second week or once a month.


if you don't create it as an event, you could add an aspect of it into the bounty hunter contract where u have to kidnap or murder a racer, as the organization has a bet against that racer npc winning the race. You could do one of the old school space missions on rails as an escort / delivery mission.



there could be a hole new corporation aside from zerka / hutts,

The introduction starts out where you get hired to find out who killed or kidnapped a racer, who is sabotaging the teams pit droids.. whose camping out on the track...

quest: smuggle parts that are embargo to the race track

you create your own organization, or become a racer.


Build your own pit droids ( pit droids added to cybertech, engine flairs for the colour trail you leave behind.) and you have to get engine parts for your swoop chassis. some chassis are purchasable, some are craft-able, some are regrettably in cartel market. you have


desert environment speeders,

cold environment speeders

water environment speeders

asteroid / space environment speeders


... stylized parts.. a desert engine, an engine marked for cold climates, so you have to have a different speeder for different type of planet.


obstacles get onto the track


an under water track... like in the subscriber quest line with hk.

hoth, tatooine, alderaan, coruscant, rishi, zakuul, manaan, a track that takes place on an asteroid

(Hoth, race track runs through a wompa area. tauntauns run onto track. ice crystals fall onto track.. )


race sizes could be in operation sized groups if this is event based..


This wouldn't have to be implemented all at once either, you could do 1 track per year or something.



just an idea. probably been through of before though.

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