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Aliit Tekara Recruitment - Fresh Mandalorian RP guild


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Aliit Tekara is a fresh mandalorian roleplaying guild. We do the occasional PvP/PvE, but our primary focus is roleplay. ICly, we are a collective of mandalorians from different backgrounds and clans, coming together because our search for glory aligns. We may not trust one another, but we stick together because we're more effective as a group than we are as individual strays. OOC, this allows you to be flexible and creative with your character.


Keep in mind, given we're a newer guild, we don't have that many members and we're still growing. So, don't be surprised if we're at a lack of population.


Type of guild: Roleplay. Our guild atmosphere is very memey (We don't have sticks up our asses, and know how to relax), but we know how to do proper RP, and are pretty damn good at it.


Recruitment needs: Experienced roleplayers. If you're new to roleplay, or even new to mandalorian roleplay, this is not the guild for you. We are not a training guild. Granted we are still very small at the time of posting this, we'd rather have a few quality roleplayers than a guild full of newbies and blueberries.


Requirements: We use discord as our main source of communication. If you don't have discord, chances are you're gonna have a hard time. It's not required, but it is highly recommended. As previously stated, in order to join you're expected to have a basic knowledge of mandalorian culture.


Flagship: Yes but it's a WIP, not really a priority for us since we'll be focusing on open-world RP, and we'll be using our SH more than our actual flagship.


Stronghold: Fully unlocked tatooine stronghold. IC, it's our main base of operations and has pretty much everything you would need.


Best in-game contact: Cadd'ek. I'm on the most, but I'm obviously not online 24/7. If you really want to contact me, I'd suggest doing so on discord: bearboob#5142


Discord Information: Upon joining, the amount of channels you can actually access if extremely limited. If you wish to the guild, you'll need to go into the #apply channel and type "%apply". This'll open up a private message from our application bot, and will start your application. There is a Clan Ally role, but it is reserved for guild friends and people we can trust and rely on. I wouldn't suggest joining the discord unless you actually want to join the guild itself.

Link https://discord.gg/bUDQ6ab

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