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New Player LF content pushing guild!


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Hi everyone,


I just started swtor 2 days ago and am a long time MMO/MMORPG player with a lot of dedication to the game im playing. I like to think I am in a way valuable to the clans and guilds in former games I have been a part of, usually ranking in the top 5-15 for server or game(depending on the game). However, like I said, I am pretty new to the swtor experience and am already getting a lot of enjoyment out of it. Soon I will be level 70 as a Marauder, and am looking to possible boost another char considering there are already so many Marauders running around.

All that being said, I am looking for a guild that pushes content at end game as a guild, as well as having a great community and active players, as I am in between casual and actively playing(usually daily). I am used to communities such as ones found in WoW(old and new) and am looking for that same "raid teams, discord chat, lets go run some old dungeons" type of deal where your questions can be answered and friends can be relied on.

If theres any interest in inviting me as a member, feel free to message me on here or in game. My characters name is Horngurl


Thank you

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