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Bounty Hunter story choice (Spoilers)


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So everyone who's ever played a Bounty Hunter has to make a decision on what sort of BH they're gonna be. Are they honourable? Deceiving? Ruthless killers in it for sport? I usually tend to go the honourable sort. This is my life, it's what I'm good at, but I also enjoy the challenge of a worthy opponent. I don't needlessly kill those who don't have a contract on their head...


So I spared Thendys Noori.


Upon arriving at Quesh, and upon being ambushed, I killed her simply for the fact that I gave her a chance and she showed me that she's a threat, but I'm curious as to what happens if you let her disarm you. One option even asked her to help you out. Has anyone chosen this option to fulfillment of the mission? If so, what happens when she disarms you?

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