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Most Populated Server (April 2019)?


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Just returning to the game from a (probably 6+ month) break. I have characters on both of the US servers. When I left, I had moved more of my characters to the 'west coast' Satele Shan Sever as that to me seemed way more alive. Way more queues for both FP, daily ops and PvP.


As I am returning now, it seems like the 'East Coast' Star Forge Server seems way more alive. Basing this off fleet activity at prime EST time that I've seen in the past few days. Star Forge having an 2-3 Fleets for each faction vs Satele Shan having 1 fleet for each factionn (and the reb fleet barely alive at that).


Is one server more active than the other? Really asking because of concern of queue times (do not care about ranked pvp queues). May consider getting back into raiding if I can get back into playing again on an active server.

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SS has rp? :eek:


Well, it used the be more at least, but I must admit I am not really active on Satele Shan anymore. Since the op seems to be interested in shorter queue times and bigger overall population, Star Forge is definitely the place to be.

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There is very little RP.

IF you want RP you need to go to Star Forge.


As for your question OP, honestly while pub side is quieter on SS, imp side is rarely that quiet. (I'm EST too, so I probably play the same times as you in the evenings.)


Guilds are you best bet for activity though. Or at least to get you involved with things. (If you're interested shoot me a PM & I can send you some names of guilds both imp & pub to check out if you'd like.)

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