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*Spoilers* Sith Warrior Jaesa endings


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So I have been trying to find the answer to this online but am getting mixed results. If I am light aligned, but make dark side choices at the end of each planet, can I still get a light Jaesa? Some people are saying your alignment at the time you get her is all that matters, while others are saying your choices at the end of each planet are what matter most. Can I get a definite answer on this?


EDIT So I aligned by warrior with the light, killed her parents and master, and taunted Karr and Jaesa. I did end up with a light Jaesa, just for all those who may be interested. So alignment seems to be the most important thing.

Edited by seekerjf
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So I have been trying to find the answer to this online but am getting mixed results. If I am light aligned, but make dark side choices at the end of each planet, can I still get a light Jaesa? Some people are saying your alignment at the time you get her is all that matters, while others are saying your choices at the end of each planet are what matter most. Can I get a definite answer on this?


Ultimately, it comes down to a choice when you actually meet her on hutta after you beat Nomen Karr, you can tell her to stay on the light path, or to join you in darkness

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It's the alignment you have. Definitely.


Light Warriors cannot get Dark Jaesa. Dark or Neutral Warriors can get Light Jaesa, but the conversation to get her might make a little less sense.


EDIT: Yeah, your alignment is what decides what options are available to you in the conversation on Nal Hutta.

Edited by OldVengeance
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It's the alignment you have. Definitely.


Light Warriors cannot get Dark Jaesa. Dark or Neutral Warriors can get Light Jaesa, but the conversation to get her might make a little less sense.


EDIT: Yeah, your alignment is what decides what options are available to you in the conversation on Nal Hutta.


A few other factors also come into play, such as what you do in regards to her parents and Master Yonlach

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Those affect the conversation, but I'm pretty sure they don't prevent or allow you to get one Jaesa or another. It's possible to kill her parents and Yonlach and her parents and still get Light Jaesa. It's possible to spare one or both of the and still get Dark Jaesa.
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