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Challenge matches used for training.


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I am thinking of trying to set up challenge gsf matches for training guildies so that the more GSF phobic among them can gain some experience and confidence. These would have artificial tasks, such as chasing me around trying to kill me without me shooting back, or conversely, trying to escape from me and keep alive as long as possible. Also have each team cap a sat, then once each sat has 3 turrets, each team moves to the opposing sat to kill the turrets and cap the sat. These are just possible suggestions, the idea is to let people practice skills in 2 on 2 or 4 on 4 situations where we can concentrate on individual aspects of the game.


What I am worried about is if this might be interpreted as win-trading and get me in trouble. I assume that these challenge matches will give the same rewards to winners and losers, count towards daily and weekly, and count for the Ossus GSF crystal mission. Can I do this without being seen as a problem by the devs/moderators?

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So first up, this sounds great and I'd like to offer to help if you'll have me, more bodies to help setup the custom matches helps a ton depending on participation of training sessions. I've done a few now, mine were more for players that already knew the basics and wanted to learn the really complicated stuff.


Using the group challenge feature doesn't give any rewards to anyone and doesn't count towards dailies so no worries about win trading at all. This is what the feature is for!


If you are interested in having me there to help, I might be able to bring some teammates as well to help have even more bodies there to help make the games happen.


To use the group challenge feature to make custom maps you only need 2 groups of 2 players minimum, so if you and I are there for example we'd only need 2 players that want to learn stuff to start training.



Let me know what the plan is and what days you'd like to do this on. (If you're not interested in my help, that's completely fine I won't take offence just let me know.)

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I'd like to offer myself as a warm body for this too, if you're interested in having me?

The training sounds good.


Star Forge

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Gy'shin 70 sorc

Riss'bleed 70 marauder


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Smuuth criminäl 70 gunslinger

Edited by toxicmistwraith
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