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<Academy of the Adumbrate> Heavy RP Guild, Imperial


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The Academy of the Adumbrate




GM: Anihrul

Contacts: Mirovondius, Vinook, Qo’vune, Lynke Vizu




Sith Acolytes/Apprentices: Open

Sith Lords: Open but limited.

Sith Darths: Considered on a case-by-case basis.

Imperials: Open

Mercs: Open

Mandos: Open

RP Experience : All Levels




RP Style: Heavy RP

RP Event Types: Combat; Training; Intrigue; Scientific; Political; Legal/Philosophical; Social.

Character Involvement: There are events catered to every type of character

RP Plots: Campaigns, One-shots, Random Events.

Guild rp events: ~2-4 per week.

Who Runs RP: Any Guild Member.

Combat Roll System: Yes. https://adumbrate.enjin.com/forum/m/39670486/viewthread/31380261-sith-combat-sheet-guide-template

Age Requirement: 19+

Guild Size: Small, with ~4-12 players on at any one time.\

Guild Timezone Activity: The guild has US and EU players who are active at various times.

All guild members are roleplayers.

Inter-guild rp: Light

Community Events Hosted: Yes.


Guild IC History (Brief Summary)


During the failed rule of the Eternal Empire and in its aftermath, Darth Azhrael grew his powerbase through the Sphere of Philosophy and gathered to him the strength to strike at his enemies. Allies, troops, and spies are spread throughout the galaxy, placed in strategic positions. An academy is built to carve all who seek it into an instrument for the glory of the Empire.


Darth Anihrul joined Darth Azhrael, and together they reclaimed her family legacy: a large organization that had fallen into a secret conspiracy. They brought this organization, The Adumbrate, into legitimacy within the Empire. It is still layered in many secrets, however…


Darth Azhrael is now gone. Under Darth Anihrul, the great work of the Empire continues; reunifying and strengthening the Empire through enforcing the Sith Code and the Sith way. The Adumbrate works with all spheres and has many allies, and some enemies as well.


About the Academy


The Adumbrate, through the Sphere of Sith Philosophy, knows the key to reunifying the Empire is through enforcing the Sith code and the Sith way. It is not an article for interpretation but instead a method by which to attain the highest power in the Force; the greatest control of one’s self. The Academy will physically, mentally, and spiritually challenge its students. Those true Sith of willing body and mind who seek the Adumbrate organization will become the strength of the Empire. We must all unite under the same banner once again.


OOC Information


We are a mature 19+ heavy rp guild focused on character development, guild evolution, and inclusive short and long-term rp stories. We strive to maintain an authentic Imperial experience within the Adumbrate through the collaborative efforts of all the players. Character agency and story quality is our goal.


We use a streamlined system for training and combat for both force and non-force users. The Adumbrate does not require a character to start from ‘the beginning’. We enjoy new characters as well as characters with rich backstories, and we accept roleplayers of all experience levels.


Guild Rules: https://adumbrate.enjin.com/joinclone

To Apply: https://adumbrate.enjin.com/join

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