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Havoc Squad & Republic Spec Ops trained to fight Sith Lords?


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Does anyone know if Havoc Squad (or Republic Special Forces) been trained to fight force users in the sith empire? I know that one of the boss battles in the trooper storyline involved battling a Sith lord with a lightsaber on Voss while the Hope cinematic trailer shows Jace Malcolm and his troops hold off against an army of red lightsaber users.... somehow.


Gameplay wise it make sense for balance reasons but story wise, its strange for trooper vs sith lord encounters, especially when they try to saber your trooper down and all you could do is fire your blaster abilities at point blank range 🤔



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Yes they are trained to fight force users (lots of people in this time period are) but this is mostly oriented towards "ambush them and maybe get lucky", "keep them off you long enough for a Jedi to show up" or "distract them enough so you can run away"


We see this in Hope. The initial ambush gets some traction, then they start getting torn apart until Satele shows up.


Non-force users taking out dark council members in open combat is just silly, but they have to write it that way so we just need to suspend disbelief

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Yes they are trained to fight force users (lots of people in this time period are) but this is mostly oriented towards "ambush them and maybe get lucky", "keep them off you long enough for a Jedi to show up" or "distract them enough so you can run away"


We see this in Hope. The initial ambush gets some traction, then they start getting torn apart until Satele shows up.


Non-force users taking out dark council members in open combat is just silly, but they have to write it that way so we just need to suspend disbelief


^This, non-force sensitives have all sort of gizmos and tricks in this era so they can fight force wielders.

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Non-force users taking out dark council members in open combat is just silly, but they have to write it that way so we just need to suspend disbelief


Agreed. I was recently doing the Corellia story arc as a republic trooper and to my surprise the final boss of that planet was a Darth. Its just strange to be seeing two havoc squad operatives against someone like that.

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^This, non-force sensitives have all sort of gizmos and tricks in this era so they can fight force wielders.


Pretty much this. The prevalence and commonality of Force users in this era means a prevalence and commonality of training and equipment to deal with them. See also; Mandalorians, bounty hunters, etc...

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