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Although Mandalore's Revenge certainly could have worked with Akaavi, maybe even better than it is now, there is a possible logical reason that she didn't return for it.


At the end of her conversation tree she reveals that she no longer considers herself part of the Mandalorian Clans.


"Without clan or foe, I am no longer Mandalorian" is her exact words.

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Oricon's fun on a Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor because the DMs try to recruit you, and on the Empire side, there's a really nice cut scene where your PC can share their greatest fear. The planet's spooky and I hate that the story ends so abruptly for me because I will not do the Ops, though.

Haven't done it imp side, and considering the high level of frustration i felt when the quest suddenly stoped because there was a mandatory ops following, i'm not going to go there for nothing


I agree that it makes zero sense that Akaavi wouldn't have shown up in the Mandalorian chapter. She's Mandalorian and she would have supported Shae. They could have put her in there and then they'd have had another romance reunion. They could have done like Chapter 6 and let the PC decide who they want to run the missions with, Torian or Akaavi. Or had them alternate or run together, like Vette and Gault in their chapter. I do think that Mako and Akaavi are cute together though.

I think it would've been nice to alternate between the two actually

Yeah they're cute together but i still think she would've been better used in the Darvanis chapter. It would've given 1 more non AA LI reunion, and one more female LI, who are a bit lacking as non AA reunions.

I whish i coul've had more interactions between my Zabrak BH and her, as they have quite a lot in common they could've been a great team.


The only way I can possibly head canon Valkorion taking over a non-FU is that he thought they'd be easier to possess when the time came. But even that doesn't make sense because your non-FU has proven, by that point, that they can resist and kill Force users and they've sailed through Oricon, the Voss Nightmare Lands, the Dread Seed quest and Ziost without getting possessed or going mad, canonically.

Yeah that doesn't really makes sense anyways.


Excellent posts. What made the Imperial Agent storyline so amazing was that you were subordinate to all the super humans around you and you couldn't really challenge them directly (because they'd zap you)

Darth Tormen didn't really like my BH's sassiness (as she didn't care like at all that he was a Sith) and force chocked her twice, while also force chocking Torian once, and he ended up dead for that :p


"Without clan or foe, I am no longer Mandalorian" is her exact words.

Isn't Torian somewhat in the same situation though ?

There doesn't seem to be that many members of the Cadera clan out there, and IIRC, he says at some point that he's the only one actually

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Isn't Torian somewhat in the same situation though ?

There doesn't seem to be that many members of the Cadera clan out there, and IIRC, he says at some point that he's the only one actually


It's possible, but if so, it suggests that he sees his situation differently than she does. It's possible that the difference is that she allied with the Republic during the war.

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