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Guild Perk Options Missing


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On Sunday, along with my fellow leaders in our guild, we reviewed what to change our guild perks to when they ran out. We decided we were going to go for the Glory set bonus, and referred to individual perks like one that granted an extra Reinforcement Components for certain guild group activities. Upon trying to make the purchase, I noticed that perk is now missing. It no longer shows in any slot. In addition, only 2 slots even offer perks for that set, bridge and engine room. Therefore it is impossible to even choose that set. What happened?
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There seem to be oodles of problems with the guild perk display. For example I know that there are perks for extra conquest objectives for warzones, flashpoints, operations and GSF - I've only seen the first two myself though and only know about the other two from seeing others talk about having them. More recently the flashpoint perk also just disappeared from the list on our own guild ship display, showing as neither available nor unavailable.


I don't know if this is just a visual bug or something that goes deeper, but the result is the same, leaving us unsure if we should even bother with purchasing more perks until Bioware fixes this, as we might be missing out on much better ones that we simply can't see at the current moment.

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There seem to be oodles of problems with the guild perk display. For example I know that there are perks for extra conquest objectives for warzones, flashpoints, operations and GSF - I've only seen the first two myself though and only know about the other two from seeing others talk about having them. More recently the flashpoint perk also just disappeared from the list on our own guild ship display, showing as neither available nor unavailable.


I don't know if this is just a visual bug or something that goes deeper, but the result is the same, leaving us unsure if we should even bother with purchasing more perks until Bioware fixes this, as we might be missing out on much better ones that we simply can't see at the current moment.


I believe that the perks rotate. Just because it was there last month doesn't mean it will be next.

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  • 3 years later...
I believe that the perks rotate. Just because it was there last month doesn't mean it will be next.


What you just explained is you have no idea what we're talking about.


Perk boxes used to have large lists around 10+ possible perks. Yes some rotate out but that's not what's happening now.


What's happening now is some of the perk boxes for one perk set on the ship are entirely empty, blank, nada, nothing there.


I have an empty box on our guild ship and no way to fill it since there is nothing to pick at all.


This has been like this a few weeks, that the lists were small, but never was a box empty for me before, and I figured Bioware would have noticed something as glaringly a problem as this but apparently I am wrong on that.


So this thread is making Bioware and EA aware that there's a problem with the Guild Ships and the Perk system that the perks are no longer listing, even being empty lists and blank. This needs to be fixed for the whole point of guilds is to gain their perks right? Well if the boxes are empty there goes a whole aspect of the game. Now if they're just doing this to Sanctuary I might not care so much *joking* but had to say it for the humor :)

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