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Ossus was Horrible.


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I am sure others will disagree but from what I seen on the game with talking to others, A lot of people think like me and believe that the Ossus Update was horrible and when they did 5.10a what did they fix? because all I see is more bugs, Which I have to start wondering who works at bioware... I am starting to think Bioware or at least the group looking over swtor in bioware are a bunch of highschoolers. Because they have no idea in how to do patches for MMO. I understand that Bioware careless about upgrading to a better engine, some say because its too much money.. haha yeah ok.. like they don't have money.... They must have something to come out with a new game called Anthem that looks awful.


The way I see it is like this, Ossus will lead to another KoTET and KOTFE expansion,, Where they willl just release chapters every few months just to milk the playerbase.. But with how awful Ossus was I doubt the new expansion will be any better.. I mean we may get new bugs and get to see hackers... that they seem to thrive on...


Bioware the company that knows how to bug MMO's and allow hackers to ruin their games. They should also just shut down their costumer service on the game because all they do is reply with the same robotic message... Go to forums with your issues.. then why have costumer service??? what a joke.

Edited by LordNaridir
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I will address this one point, as you keep harping on it over and over in your multiple ranting, hysterical posts. Just because EA has money (and we're talking about EA here because BioWare is just a division of EA at this point) doesn't mean SWTOR has money. See each game is given what is called a "budget". You can look that word up yourself but in essence it means they're given a limited amount of money to actually do things with. At this point in time not only does SWTOR appear to have a very limited budget but they also have a limited staff. It is simply not feasible for them to upgrade the engine. They do not have the budget (aka money) or the manpower to do so.


Also, content wise, whilst I thought Ossus was short I liked the Republic side story with a Republic loyalist. I have not played the Imperial side story nor experienced the saboteur side although from what I hear it's quite disappointing. Still, not horrible. And I was expecting short anyway as this is not an actual expansion.

Edited by Elessara
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Completely agree. Clearly you are unaware of how game developing companies function. Just becasue EA has money does not mean that Bioware has money. They are working on many games etc and a most likley using that money elsewhere. While Bioware does have some money, most of it is going towards their new RPG Anthem (which I think looks pretty good) and therefore SW:TOR will have a smaller budget. Personally, I think Ossus was ok and I am glad that the company has decided to return to the Republic vs Empire storyline. As for saying the game has hackers what the hell are you talking about? It is an online MMO, hacking it is essentially impossible. While there are bugs that can be taken advantage of, this is just not hacking. I'm sure at some point in the near future we will get various patches however you have to understand that the people who work on SW:TOR are likley busy with the new expansion, so you have to give them some time.

Edited by LouDaBaconMaster
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Bioware the company that knows how to bug MMO's and allow hackers to ruin their games. They should also just shut down their costumer service on the game because all they do is reply with the same robotic message... Go to forums with your issues.. then why have costumer service??? what a joke.


Normally I don't correct misspelled words or incorrect words but since you have decided to complain about mistakes I decided to in this case.


Costumer-a person or company that makes or supplies theatrical or fancy-dress costumes.

Customer-the assistance and advice provided by a company to those people who buy or use its products or services.


In the view of this thread, you said costumer service which they don't have. They have a customer service, which provides help for questions.


Since you decided to fuss about mistakes/bugs that BW made in the patch, it would have been beneficial for you not to make any since you seem to think things should be done perfectly the first time, which even you didn't do.


While yes there are some bugs I also know that some bugs slipped through even when it was on test center. I reported some bugs when it was on test center but being on test center and going live is a bi different as things can happen. I don't know of any MMO that does everything perfectly, even SWG (my background) released bugs when they released something new.

Edited by casirabit
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While yes there are some bugs I also know that some bugs slipped through even when it was on test center. I reported some bugs when it was on test center but being on test center and going live is a bi different as things can happen. I don't know of any MMO that does everything perfectly, even SWG (my background) released bugs when they released something new.


That and this was a December release, anybody that was here for 3.0 knows how buggy that was and what to expect of another patch released around this time. Ossus might have a few annoying bugs, not trying to excuse Bioware here, but its nowhere near as bad as SOR's launch. Just my 2 cents.

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